Monday, December 21, 2009

Oh what a night...

... Friday night was the 2nd Annual Jingle Bell Ball and what a night we had. First off thanks to everyone for coming along and supporting Barnardos Childrens Charity, we raised over €7000, thank you thank you thank you! And thank you for being such loyal RedFM listeners over the past year. It was pretty much a whole day event this year with our Gold Tickets winners coming to the station at 9am Friday morning for an Acoustic session from the Frank & Walters, who as always were great, they played one of my fave tracks "Tony Cochrane", what a way to start a days work, I could get used to it. SO after we fed and watered the Franks & our first group of listeners then came our afternoon set, which was from Cork band eile JoDavino, they too were fab and our listeners definitely approved. After getting a little work done through all that excitement it was time to get ready for the main event. Off we trotted to The Pavillion at 7 to get the venue ready & take our places. I was stationed at the Brown Thomas gift area, yes we gave free gifts on the way in, sorry boys, they were just for the girls! As soon as everyone was inside we got things rolling. The brilliant Mako kicked off the night, they won the support slot through Colm O'Sullivan's Transmission and the Red Rooster& they did not disappoint, ever the professionals! That was followed by JoDavino who played a blinder once again. Then I got the phone call! What everyone didn't know was who the surprise act was. I was summoned to the side of the stage where I met up with Jay Zed and the Blarney MC aka KC & Lenny, they donned their afro wigs, santa beards, fur coats & drawn on six packs (fair play to Sheena for donating her Mac Eyeliner for that one). I was costumeless... I just looked like me, but it didn't really matter at that stage cause all I could focus on were the 400 people, screaming for BellX1 but who were about to get us bunch of chancers instead, for the length of a song at least. KC & Lenny lashed back the beers for some dutch courage, I was on the water for the night so I lashed back the riverrock, then Lenny turned to me & said "I have to pee", "me too" I said but it was too late to run anywhere at that stage. KC was on the verge of passing out next to me which was only making me worse. It should be noted I practically bullied the boys into doing this, they weren't too keen but I thought it was a great idea, up until that moment when I wished I'd kept my mouth shut, but no going back now. Dave Mac Annouces..."Give it up for Jay Zed, The Blarney MC & Alicia Outta Keyes". Thankfully our amazing listeners were thrilled and knew exactly what was going on when they heard the names. On we came, the beats to "Empire State of Mind" kicked in, Lenny rapped, I sang, Kc rapped, I sang and the crowd cheered. What a laugh. I probably had the easiest part cause everyone sang along with my chorus (love ye), but the boys did a savage job of their raps and within 2 mins it was all over... On came the band of the night BellX1, they were unreal as always, I was delighted to hear oldies like "Snakes & Snakes" & "Alphabet Soup" in there. Paul Noonan was as always very pleasing on the eye for all the ladies, and some men obvo. He managed to get himself a cheap thrill in the form of a "testicular grope" from one very enthusiastic fan, but come off it Paul, you knew what you were up to the minute you stood out so close to the crowd, this is Cork, we go for it :)They really did rock it up, KC & Lenny came back and gave away a signed BellX1 guitar, announced how much everyone raised for Barnardos (thank you), everyone partied the night away to the ledge-bag Stevie G & it was all over for another year. All in all a great success and I have to say it topped last years JBB. Bellx1 made the night and a huge thank you to them for doing the gig. Of course my highlight was singing to 400 people...but I would never get carried away & get ideas above my station, ya gotta keep it real... next stop the grammy's!!!!

Mako start us off!JoDavino delight!
Jay Zed, Blarney Mc & Alicia Outta Keyes perform "New Cork"

The Noonan goes for it!
Not too shabby!!
Ok so there's more than just Paul Noonan in the band!

Oh no well done you sir!!
Listeners party on!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


..Dear God, someday please put me in a Tim Burton film!
So excited for this

Friday, December 11, 2009

Lady Gaga

Recently included in Barbara Walters, (some auld wan on American TV), 100 Most Fascinating People.
Steady on Barbs... bloomin eck, check her out getting a lil carried away with her questions to Miss G!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Yeehawww Colin!!

Just when we thought he had left his cowboy days behind him, Colin Farrell seems to have swapped line dancing on the Late Late for playing a country singer in a hollywood movie and he don't sound half bad!

By the way I did try to include the line dancing footage on her but it has mysteriously gone missing from you tube!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

No it isn't, is it??

Had an audition for an advert yesterday and you'll never guess who the director is... It's only Hugh "Lamb" O Connor. Remember Lamb, 1986 Liam Neeson movie they ran at least once a year on RTE, which no doubt brought the ol bible bashers out in force as it portrayed a priest (Neeson) in not too traditional a light. But O'Connor was the lil kid. I just about stopped myself saying "I loved you in Lamb", I mean he has gone on to do lots of other great movies, so I'm sure he wouldn't of appreciated it. I think it's about time RTE dusted off the VHS player and gave us another viewing of Lamb...

Wait for it...

Not as good as The Muppets...

... doing Bohemian Rhapsody but still very cute;

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009

They just don't make em like they used to...

... bring back the days of getting your pic taken in nursery while sitting on a plastic chair and leaning casually on a sheepskin rug, while of course wearing your ultra cool vest and a killer sidecrease....
Here's my brother demonstrating how it should be done... haha, sorry Paul!

From Cork to Madrid...

... check out my good friend Pete's adventures in Madrid... he's from Cork originally and took the step so many of us would like to do, he uppd sticks and set sail for the sunnier climes of Madrid... Add this to your favourites and keep up with his latest adventure!!

Toy Show

I gotta admit the Late Late Toy Show friday was great. Tubs really go into it and at least someone who was able to connect with the kids unlike the Plank who just sounded like he was giving out to them everytime he spoke. But the star of the show had to be lil Johnjoe, what a cutie. I just joined a facebook group called

If ya missed him, check him out here


Monday, November 16, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009

Viral Video Fri Nov 6th- U2 & Jay Z...

... Live at Brandenburg Gate... Very impressive.

Viral Video Fri Nov 6th- U2 & Jay Z...

Movie Maniacs Fri Nov 6th

... on Red@Work 10am-2pm.
Win tickets to the Corona Cork Film Festival to see these 2 crackers:


Go on Harry!!



Spoilsports have disabled Embedding, so just click on the link

Movie Maniacs Fri Nov 6th

Thursday, November 5, 2009

CVP Challenge Nov 5th

Today Phil & myself battled it out in a Moviestar-Who am I, in honour of the Cork Film Festival... this is how it all went down!!

Snake surprise... reptile slithers across windscreen!

My Worst Fear
Two men got a nasty surprise as they were driving their van - when a massive white snake slithered across their windscreen.The 4-foot-long albino reptile emerged from the bonnet of James Denton and Morne Aspeling's van as they drove back to their office.
The pair, telephone engineers from Jersey, pulled over and beat a hasty retreat from the vehicle. It took me a moment to realise it was real,' said Denton. 'When its tongue flicked out, we both made a pretty sharp exit from the van.'
They called for help, and the snake was captured and taken to an animal shelter where it is being looked after.
The snake is thought to have been either a corn snake or a milk snake - both non-venomous species - which may have crawled into the van's bonnet for warmth, but been startled when the engine was started.
It's believed that it was probably an escaped pet - and the shelter are trying to reunite it with its former owner.
Here's the little rascal at work:Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!

Viral Video Thu Nov 5th- Man falls through roof 4 times

Surveillance footage from a school somewhere in China.
You'd think after even the second time he'd learn his lesson!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Viral Video Wed Nov 4th

The Ewoks get frisky! Cheers to Paul for this one.

At the end of a segment this morning about Halloween decorations, an Ewok started having his own party.

Editor's Note: Those who prefer not to disillusion small children about the predilections of Ewoks are advised to exercise viewer discretion.

A spooktacular treat for you!!

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Viral Video Nov 3

Monday, October 19, 2009


... I just watched an interview with the director of "Couples Retreat", the new Vince Vaughan movie, Peter Billingsley and you'll never in a million years guess who he is! Well ok, if you're anything like me, and were obsessed with the same Christmas movie I was as a kid, you'll recognise him straight away. First check him out these days and see do ya recognise him... (Don't feel the need to watch the whole thing, we don't really care what he has to say)

It's only little Ralphie freakin Parker!!!

A Christmas Story??
One of the best Christmas movies ever??? (Along with Santa Clause The Movie- Not the Tim Allen ones)

I must go call my brothers, they'll share my excitement at this revelation, forget "Jesus of Nazareth", this was the greatest story ever told in my house at Christmas!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

My new favourite...

... Love the theme tune & opening credits too!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I have goosebumps...

... just watching the trailer for "The Imaginarium of Dr.Parnassus"... Totally my kind of movie!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


... About the new series "United States of Tara". Yes this is the kind of thing I get excited about. Toni Collette in a brand new series written by Diablo Cody, does it get much better?? No, it does not!! Not since "Pushing Daisies" have I been this excited about a series (yeah it got cancelled but what the hell do they know). So if you haven't seen "Tara" yet check it out tonight on RTE 2 at 11.20pm. And just when ya think it couldn't get any better, Buster Bleuth shows up :D

Can I please marry Toni Collette??

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Autumn is my fave...

... but it's also when the mornings are getting darker and colder... I gotta say it's a struggle to leave the scratcher!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Am I on candid camera??

So while doing my shopping lately, I, like pretty much all women, headed along to the Femine Hygiene section. This is a section you generally wanna get in and out of as fast as possible. Ok it's not like it used to be when you were a teen and it was like a crack commando operation to buy necessities, hiding them amongst piles of magazines you didn't need, just to detract attention or on those very self concious days i.e my entire teenage years which I spent permanantly blushing for no reason, when I would just send my Mam to buy them. Call it scars from those awkward years but it's definitely an aisle I like to waste no time in, I don't like to spend ten minutes checking out the new "flexi maxi slimline gold covered now with actual peacock wings" items! I know what I want, I locate, I grab, I leave! So imagine my panic when a few weeks ago some old dear thought this would be the best place to strike up a conversation with me. I had no idea who the woman was, and maybe it was my own fault for dawdling and getting sucked in by the brand new colourful packaging promising me I could jump off mountains, swim with whales even run naked through my work should I get the urge and let's face it who hasn't got the urge to do so! But while I was hypnotised by promises of a more exciting visit from Aunty Flow- seriously it must be men who design these campaigns- in swooped my new bestie. "Oh they're cheaper in lidl" she said, lulling me into a false sense of security. "Oh really," I answered, to be polite "and here this place is claiming they've got the lowest prices". BIG MISTAKE, I should of known when to stop, I should of said "Oh Really" and ran from there, but she had me now. Noticing the product I had in my hand she said, "How do you find them"... "Emmm excuse me"? ... "I 've heard they're good and then there are these things"...she was now giving me a running commentary on all the products... "they're great for women my age, ya know, for when I sneeze or something"...!! Eewwwwwww I almost fainted, was this woman really giving me all this information and just in case I didn't get what she was talking about she insisted on pointing to her bajingo while telling me these disturbing details. To make matters worse I then noticed a man who was obviously with her peering on from the next aisle, what the hell?? Was he taking minutes??? It was all a bit too much to be honest, so I quickly grabbed my phone and pretended I had a call, I didn't care that it didn't ring, this lady was crazy, for fear of her giving me a demonstration I ran from there. Memories of sitting on a bus to Ballincollig when I was about 16 flooded back into my head when surprise surprise, another crazy lady started chatting to me and then in the middle of a nice chat about school she randomly asks me "what kind of contraception do you use"? at the top of her voice, the whole bus burst out laughing including a group of older lads from my school and I got so dizzy and disorientated from the mortification of the situation I got off the bus about 2 miles from my stop. WHAT THE HELL??? Am I sending out some sort of signals, "crazy old ladies of this world, feel free to talk to me about very inappropriate things, in your loudest voice possible". Oyyy NOOOOOOOO... not cool! So now I'm back to my quick draw days, in and out and avoiding any eye contact with sweet little old ladies, I know your game Mrs!!

Holy crap...

... it's been way too long since I've posted. The more observant among you will have noticed I've been away from Telefunkin and the Weekend Rooster for the past few weeks. 3 to be exact. Yes I was also away from my day job of imaging the station. 1 week doctors orders, 2 weeks holidays. I won't bore ya with the details but all is good now and I'm back and ready to work!! So while away I got news we had received 5 nominations in this years PPI Radio Awards, go us! Nice to be rewarded for the hard work we all put in every day. My very own imaging is up for an award which is thrilling to say the least. The extremely talented Colm O Sullivan is up for 2 awards for his already award winning show Transmission (blows the national specialist shows way outta the water), KC and Lenny are of course in there for the brilliant Red Rooster Breakfast show, KC rightly so up for Music Broadcaster of the Year and all jocks up for the Innovation award for Heroes, the same one we all won last year. Our news team also in there for their report on the Death of Michael Jackson. God we're a talented bunch all the same.
I didn't head abroad this year on hols, a lot to do with the new house we recently bought, goddam they eat away at the muala!! But it's all good, I had plenty of time to enjoy the house, walks by the water everyday, brushing up on my baking skills, which went as far as making scones from the ready made mix- I felt like Brie Van DeCamp and some nice short breaks which included heading to Baltimore to see Beth Orton play Dun na Sead Castle, magical!!
So now it's back to the grind stone and the very important issue of WHAT THE HELL AM I GONNA WEAR TO THE AWARDS????

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

I may have to stop...

... watching The Wire every night before bed. I've gotten completely addicted and am on series 3. But over the weekend I dreamt one night that "Stringer Bell" was out to kill me and the next night I dreamt "Avon Barksdale" was out to get me. If it gets to the stage where I'm dreaming of making mad passionate love to "Bubs" I'm seeking therapy!!


... got to see "Milk" at the weekend. The Gus Van Sant movie based on Harvey Milk's life. UNREAL!!! Loved every bit of it. And Sean Penn deserved every bit of that Oscar for sure. Someone else I really liked in it who I had a strange aversion to before this movie was Emile Hirsch, I thought he was great in it. Funny how Harvey Milk said to his boyfriend Scott Smith on the night he met him, "Forty years old and I haven't done a thing that I'm proud of." Less than 10 years later he had become the first openly gay man in the US to be elected to political office and won many many battles for gay rights! Just another example of how nothing is impossible in life no matter what age you are!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Kinks

I heard this song playing in Spar on McCurtain Street last night- random!! I'm a huge fan of The Kinks my Dad introduced me to them when I was teeny, many's a time we spent on a road trip singing along to them and The Beach Boys at the top of our voices. This is one of their later ones from the early 80's but still just as catchy as their earlier gems!

Monday, August 10, 2009


Unfortnately we had to say goodbye to our family dog Emie last week so it's with a very heavy heart I write this but I think a very special dog deserves to be read about.

Emie, or Emer as you were christened, you came into our lives when I was 17. We had been visiting Mam's friends in Kenmare and they had Newfoundlands, of course we couldn't help but fall in love with them, they're just like giant living teddy bears. So I wasn't surprised when a few days later Mam announced we were getting one. Off we trotted to Kenmare to a place where they breeded them to pick out the new addition to the family. We walked into a courtyard and after having a fear of dogs for most of my childhood I have to admit I felt quite nervous by all these unnaturaly large "puppies" wandering around. None of them were taking much notice of us except for one who wandered over to Mam's side and didn't leave for 13 years. We were told her name is Emer and she's 1 year and 9 months old. That was it, we were in love. We changed your name to Emie and off we all went to start our life together. When we drove back that day I had to sit in the back of the car with you. You instantly took to Mam but you were more wary of me, probably because I was wary of you & you sensed my nervousness. You sat upright in the back of the car staring at me the whole way home. I didn't take my eyes off you either for fear of being slobbered to death- Newfoundlands drool like you've never seen any dog or old Man drool, a habit which would see Mam running after you with kitchen roll on regular occasions to clean your face, especially when we had squeamish visitors! I remember you wandering around our old family home that first day, you were quiet and nervous sussing out your new digs, sniffing corners, finding the best sitting spots and funnily enough the one spot you seemed to like was right in front of me, you stared at me as I watched tv sitting on the couch, I called my brother nervously "She lookes like she could eat me, do you think she's safe", my brother told me not very politely to cop on, that she was harmless. And that you were. Friends called to see you and you were so nervous of all the fussing and attention, all you wanted to do was hang at Mam's side, no matter where she went, you followed, tripping her up many's a time in the process when you got over excited at seeing her walk in the door, countless vases and pictures were knocked because of your tail and ass that shook like it had a life of it's own when you'd sense Mam was near. Of course you soon got used to your surroundings and the neighbours. You made friends with the next door neighbours dog Buzz, the alsation. He was the perfect size for you or so we thought until you sat on him one day out in the garden when ye were playing and dislocated his hip. You were officially banned from playing with Buzz, but you never knew your own strength or your own size. When you'd see a small dog you'd get so exicted and run up to them ready to play but more often than not they ran away and cowered in a corner as we explained to people "she's only a puppy too, she just wants to play". Of course you loved nothing better than rolling over on your back and getting a good old scratch and rub on the belly, we gladly obliged until you'd ruin it by letting one rip almost in our faces cause it relaxed you so much- and boy could you pack a punch, rooms were evacuated on many occasions because of those rippers! At one stage Mam thought you needed company so Rebel came into the family, a little puppy whose breed I'm not sure anyone was sure of. He was a little too hyper for you though and crunch time came when Mam looked out the back and saw you walking slowly around looking very fed up with Rebel hitching a ride by swinging from your tail. You poor thing, you couldn't get a minutes peace but you were always patient and never once snapped at him. Rebel had to go, so we made sure he got a good home. Over the years everyone went their seperate ways and the family home was sold, but you and Mam stuck together like 2 peas in a pod, like Cagney & Lacey, like Abbott and Costello, like Turner & Hooch, where one was, the other was never far away. Your favourite place to run around was the quarry by Nan's house, there was so much space to explore, you were in your element. Now and again you'd get a little sick like all dogs do, one time that sticks out in my mind is the time you got the trots. Mam was cleaning up after you while I was behind gagging at the smell, because of all your fur you had gotten destroyed, So I was holding your tail in the air, empty reaching- while Mam had a hose and was washing you down, haha I could almost swear you were smirking at me. Newfoundlands are water rescue dogs by nature so you loved nothing better than a good ol bathe, be it in the Lee Fields, on a beach or in Mam's friends fish pond. Mam was visiting her friend who has a giant garden pond with a load of prize fish in it. Mam knew nothing until you arrived in to meet them in the kitchen dripping wet as Mam's friend screamed "MY FISH" and ran out to see if any had survived, of course they all had, you had no interest in them, just the water! Every summer your beautiful coat would be shaved cause you were so uncomfortable in the heat, you loved nothing better than to be told how beautiful you looked after your monthly grooming sessions and as we admired you the head would go up in the air, loving the attention.
Mam would chat to you so much I would always say "one of these days I swear she'll talk back", you actually did once but that was only in a dream I had!
People would be constantly admiring you if we had you out walking and kids were always amazed at your size. You were so patient and gentle, you'd let them pet you for a bit then give Mam a look as if to say "I've had enough, can we go now". Everyone would ask your age and as the years went by people were more and more surprised as the older you got. Newfoundlands are know for having lots of health problems and weak hearts and many die young of heart attacks. Mam would take you to be regularly checked and the vets would say whatever you're doing for her keep doing it, she's in great shape, you weren't even overweight and boy could you eat. Nothing could be left near you, it would be scoffed, as we found out the day Mam came home and said where's the cooked roast I left on the counter for the dinner... 1 guess! Then you started slowing down, the walks became shorter, your bark became deeper and weaker and you're breathing became more strained. You were always such an amazing dog I suppose we all thought you'd live forever, then the news came that it was time. Mam always said she would die before she'd let you be in pain and it was becoming obvious you were. We all went with you and as always you were calm and happy, loving the attention from us all as we fussed and petted you, all the while trying to keep it together so as not to panic you. Of course it didn't stay like that for long and needless to say we were all in bits and still are! You were as much a part of the family as any of us Emie and always will be. Thanks for being such a great friend for nearly 13 years! For minding Mam when times were tough! For not holding it against me if I lost my patience with you! For all the reassuring licks, slobbers and cuddles! And for such happy memories. Someone once said "Don't cry for what you lost, smile for what you had" and we were truly blessed to have had you in our lives. Rest in Peace Emie Bear xxx

Nice story for John Hughes fans...

One of my fave's... still watch it over & over!

Friday, July 24, 2009


Yes I cried watching it, what a wonderful way to start married life! Well Done!!

Gimme the Night- Aretha Franklin- I Say A Little Prayer

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Gimme the Night- Brand New Heavies- Sometimes

Memories of Henry's Back bar!! Quality on this isn't great, so just get the album Shelter- you won't be disappointed xx

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

"Advice, like youth, probably just wasted on the young"!

In 1997 the Chicago Tribune published this inspiring column written by Mary Schmich, look familiar??:

"Inside every adult lurks a graduation speaker dying to get out, some world-weary pundit eager to pontificate on life to young people who'd rather be Rollerblading. Most of us, alas, will never be invited to sow our words of wisdom among an audience of caps and gowns, but there's no reason we can't entertain ourselves by composing a
Guide to Life for Graduates.

I encourage anyone over 26 to try this and thank you for indulging my attempt".

Ladies and gentlemen of the class of '97:

Wear sunscreen.

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience. I will dispense this advice now.

Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. Oh, never mind. You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded. But trust me, in 20 years, you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked. You are not as fat as you imagine.

Don't worry about the future. Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind, the kind that blindside you at 4 p.m. on some idle Tuesday.

Do one thing every day that scares you.


Don't be reckless with other people's hearts. Don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.


Don't waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long and, in the end, it's only with yourself.

Remember compliments you receive. Forget the insults. If you succeed in doing this, tell me how.

Keep your old love letters. Throw away your old bank statements.


Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives. Some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I know still don't.

Get plenty of calcium. Be kind to your knees. You'll miss them when they're gone.

Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll divorce at 40, maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary. Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much, or berate yourself either. Your choices are half chance. So are everybody else's.

Enjoy your body. Use it every way you can. Don't be afraid of it or of what other people think of it. It's the greatest instrument you'll ever own.

Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room.

Read the directions, even if you don't follow them.

Do not read beauty magazines. They will only make you feel ugly.
Get to know your parents. You never know when they'll be gone for good. Be nice to your siblings. They're your best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.

Understand that friends come and go, but with a precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle, because the older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young.

Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard. Live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft. Travel.

Accept certain inalienable truths: Prices will rise. Politicians will philander. You, too, will get old. And when you do, you'll fantasize that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.

Respect your elders.

Don't expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund. Maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse. But you never know when either one might run out.

Don't mess too much with your hair or by the time you're 40 it will look 85.

Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia. Dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth.

But trust me on the sunscreen.
Here's how you probably know it best:

So what are ya waiting for, get writing your never know it might inspire millions of people and make ya lots of money, or maybe it won't, either way, it'll be fun to do!!


Oxegen 2009...

... are you here???

Friday, July 10, 2009

There's no place like home!!

Well, I've moved house again and it is still one of the most stressful things to do. So after a couple of weeks now of shutting the door and ignoring the boxes piling up in the spare room I decided last night I better empty some of them... if only to stop kidding myself into believing I have no clothes and that a major spending spree is needed- now's not a good time!! I thought to myself this is not going to be a pleasant task, but it has to be done so why not try to at least make some of it pleasant. So off I trotted to the spare room, navigated my way through way too many boxes of CD's & DVD's and found the answer... One of the greatest movies of all time- The Wizard of Oz DVD. Because lets face it, The Wizard of Oz can make any task bearable. Him indoors had taken off to work so now was as good a time as any to turn it up loud and sing along- he's not a fan of the musicals funnily enough, or of me singing come to think of it! And sing-a-long I did at full volume, with the odd hop, skip and a jig thrown in for good measure too! Before I knew it I had a few boxes emptied and it was 1 o clock in the morning. It really is the simple pleasures in life!!
Ahhh There's no place like home!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

They're baaack!

And have still got it according to reports. My fave band of the 90's... Blur... Father Damo would be disgusted :D
Lovin that Graham Coxon is still sporting the same "Cheryl" t-shirt from all those years ago!

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Irish Canon

My recommendation for the Midsummer Festival... fabulousness!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Bruno on Tour...

...Bruno is on a whirlwind World Tour to attend the premiers of his new movie. His stylist needs some kind of award...SParkly Lederhosen in France, Soldier outfits in London and dressed as a bull in Madrid... Genius!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Alan Carr...

...Is there anything more hilarious than the Alan Carr Chatty Man adverts, I think not, they're embedded, so just follow the links!

Twang Twang...

... The Banjo has been dusted off and this time I'm determined to master it. I now know how to play "Molly Malone" and have just moved on to "The Wild Rover", exciting times!! Although I was told the other night by my boyfriend that I kind of reminded him of Father Ted playing "My Lovely Horse" on the guitar... "Hang on, I can get this...".

In other music related meanderings! I've only recently discovered the secret to a good jog is a great soundtrack but last night the shuffle died just as I was getting ready to pound the roads. So I reached for the backup, which is about ten times the size and not very practical when running but I needed some sort of beat, so the Sony Walkman it was. I never checked what was actually on this before I took off and just hit play and hoped for the best. What I heard one wouldn't necessarily call jogging music but what a ditty:

Wait till I learn this one on the banjo, there'll be no stopping me!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

If ya can't beat em join em!!

So BellX1 came in today and took over my Production Studio which I obviously had no problem with. Regular listeners to my show will know I find Paul Noonan quite pleasing on the eye. So in they came, we were all introduced, nice guys, had a brief chat with them then left them to it as Colm and KC were interviewing them for their shows- (Transmission Friday's 7pm/ Red Rooster weekdays 6am). Eimear, never one to miss a photo op, grabbed a camera and as I was coming in to grab something out of my office she followed me and asked the lads for a photo, they said yes, Colm and KC weren't as keen (we weren't that bothered by them either, we see them everyday) but me being the eternal poser volunteered to be in the shot too, I think out of politeness nobody said "Why", so in I bounded, stood in front of the mic and told everyone to pretend we were playing a song and I was the new singer (it was funny in my head)! Clearly nobody else found this amusing as you can see below!

But what followed was, after the recording was done and the lads were leaving Paul Noonan was passing and I offered to show him the picture (while twirling my hair and fluttering my eye-lids, I drew the line at opening the top button). He politely obliged, he's obviously used to humouring sad, drooling at the mouth individuals. And made a comment that went something like "you have it already" to which I replied something deformed like "Yeah we're really fast" to which Dave Mac stuck his oar in and added "And Loose"! What followed was me very awkwardly laughing while trying to mouth "you're dead" to Mac and fobbing off his comment! (For the record I am in no way loose and am in a very loving relationship). Then Paul Noonan made another comment about the photo saying I was very Edith Piaff like in my pose, again more giggling from me and manically muttering some answer and again Dave Mac opened his mouth, this time to say," yeah except for La Vie en Rose, you're more La Vie En Rosé". Thanks Dave, In the space of 2 minutes you indicated to BellX1 I am a drunk whore. Remind me to return the favour and talk you up sometime!!!! Sheesh!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Viral Video Tues June 9th... Stop!

...Hammer Time!!

I knew that Pratt reminded me of someone...

Spencer Pratt (was there ever a more appropriate name)

It's all in the beard, pratt is obviously in no way as cute and cuddly as the Honey Monster!!

I knew that pratt reminded me of someone...

Wave hello to Darren!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Viral Video Fri June 5th- Scary!!


... I'm a huge believer in Karma and I've blogged a story or two about it in the past. But if ever you needed proof that karma existed, wonder no more. In my local shopping centre yesterday buying some food for dinner. In between scanning my bits and pieces I picked up a bag to pack all my items in (why else?!). After I had paid my money and packed my things off I trotted out to my car, just as I got out of the shop I remembered, I never scanned the plastic bag. Instant reaction was of course to go back and fess up my criminal activities but on further pontification I decided I frequent this establishment 5 out of 7 days of the week, I always pay for everything (obviously) and in some cases, let's face it, over pay, it's the least they owe me a 0.22 cent bag. But the Universe had other ideas and just as I had decided on a life of crime (or at least one evening)... the bag burst! I kid you not , right down the side it burst open- as quick as the hulk loses his shirt when angered, as quick as Jonathan Rys Myers derobes every lady who crosses his path in The Tudors and as quick as Vincent BRown can bring your ass down to earth (haha last night with political guests from all parties who were not leaders- "We're stuck with this lot"- priceless)- anyway enough analogies, you get it... it happended QUICKLY. And that my friends... is KARMA at it's best!

Think I'll scan my bag twice this evening!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Number 1 in Romania...

She's 3 years old and she's from Moldova, have a listen to this. (It's in English)

Friday, May 29, 2009


I'm not into cars at all but I knows what I like... saw this lil beauty during the week in Cork.

I could definitely see myself driving this, although I've just been informed by those in the know (Philip Bourke & Lenny) it's got a 6 litre engine... cue me looking at them blankly... then the penny dropped, I drive a 1 litre. Holy crap this thing would drive me... waaaheeey!!

I still want it though, even just to look at , it's so pretty. I would happily do what I used to do when I was a kid, gather all my friends, pile into my Mam's car, ask them where they wanted to go and furiously turn the wheel while making engine and screeching tyre noises- of course the tunes would be blasting but this time maybe it wouldn't be Madonna's True Blue casette... It would be on cd!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Weekend Anthem May 23rd- La Roux

Check out their previous single "In It For the Kill" too, brilliant!

Last wks Happy Days

I couldn't find the American version on You Tube for the blog so instead I found this rather amusing German version, note the very creepy ending!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


... Got to finally see the "Bodies....The Exhibition" last weekend in Dublin. If you're not familiar with it, Bodies is an exhibition all about... wait for it... the human body featuring real but dead (phew) people. All sliced and diced for our viewing pleasure. It sounds an awful lot more gory than it is though. Most of the time I didn't even think "this is a real person". It was fascinating. Check out the pics but be warned if you're of a nervous disposition you may wanna sit this one out!

What I'd really like to see is the Gunther Von Hagens Body Worlds exhibition. He's the man who started it all off by inventing the the technique for preserving biological tissue specimens called plastination... and he's just a lil bit of crazy! Here he is chilling with some friends, who let's face it, could do with a square meal!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Hannah Montanna

... I had never even seen an episode of Hannah Montanna, so when the invite came to go along and see the movie I was a little hesitant, but with a 14 year old and an 8 year old cousin who are big fans of Miley and Hannah, I couldn't say no. The only interview I had ever even seen with Miley Cyrus was on Jonathan Ross a few weeks back, when she slightly amused me but mostly shocked me with her level of confidence. While watching the movie it suddenly became clear why this kid is so confident and why she has the right to be. Damn, she can sing and act. It wasn't an over the top, hammy, kiddy performance, it was a surprisingly grown up, subtle performance. Granted she was probably being herself for a lot of it, but how bad, it worked. Ok I'm not stating she's gonna win an oscar for it or anything but for someone so young it was a very impressive performance. Then she continued to surprise me when she sang the single from the movie "The Climb". I got so taken in that when kids around me started throwing their hands in the air and swaying along I joined in, that was until my 14 year old cousin turned to me with a look of horror and sheer mortification screaming "what are you doing, please stop"... spoilsport! So there ya go, I'm a brand new Miley Cyrus fan... now let's just hope she stays grounded and doesn't go out of her way to get herself a mugshot or a place in the Betty Ford Clinic!!
If you're after a bit of bubblegum head along to see the movie, it's worth a watch!
Thanks to Clean & Clear and Niamh at Dynamics PR for the invites and goodie bags :D