Thursday, June 11, 2009

If ya can't beat em join em!!

So BellX1 came in today and took over my Production Studio which I obviously had no problem with. Regular listeners to my show will know I find Paul Noonan quite pleasing on the eye. So in they came, we were all introduced, nice guys, had a brief chat with them then left them to it as Colm and KC were interviewing them for their shows- (Transmission Friday's 7pm/ Red Rooster weekdays 6am). Eimear, never one to miss a photo op, grabbed a camera and as I was coming in to grab something out of my office she followed me and asked the lads for a photo, they said yes, Colm and KC weren't as keen (we weren't that bothered by them either, we see them everyday) but me being the eternal poser volunteered to be in the shot too, I think out of politeness nobody said "Why", so in I bounded, stood in front of the mic and told everyone to pretend we were playing a song and I was the new singer (it was funny in my head)! Clearly nobody else found this amusing as you can see below!

But what followed was, after the recording was done and the lads were leaving Paul Noonan was passing and I offered to show him the picture (while twirling my hair and fluttering my eye-lids, I drew the line at opening the top button). He politely obliged, he's obviously used to humouring sad, drooling at the mouth individuals. And made a comment that went something like "you have it already" to which I replied something deformed like "Yeah we're really fast" to which Dave Mac stuck his oar in and added "And Loose"! What followed was me very awkwardly laughing while trying to mouth "you're dead" to Mac and fobbing off his comment! (For the record I am in no way loose and am in a very loving relationship). Then Paul Noonan made another comment about the photo saying I was very Edith Piaff like in my pose, again more giggling from me and manically muttering some answer and again Dave Mac opened his mouth, this time to say," yeah except for La Vie en Rose, you're more La Vie En Rosé". Thanks Dave, In the space of 2 minutes you indicated to BellX1 I am a drunk whore. Remind me to return the favour and talk you up sometime!!!! Sheesh!

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