Thursday, June 4, 2009


... I'm a huge believer in Karma and I've blogged a story or two about it in the past. But if ever you needed proof that karma existed, wonder no more. In my local shopping centre yesterday buying some food for dinner. In between scanning my bits and pieces I picked up a bag to pack all my items in (why else?!). After I had paid my money and packed my things off I trotted out to my car, just as I got out of the shop I remembered, I never scanned the plastic bag. Instant reaction was of course to go back and fess up my criminal activities but on further pontification I decided I frequent this establishment 5 out of 7 days of the week, I always pay for everything (obviously) and in some cases, let's face it, over pay, it's the least they owe me a 0.22 cent bag. But the Universe had other ideas and just as I had decided on a life of crime (or at least one evening)... the bag burst! I kid you not , right down the side it burst open- as quick as the hulk loses his shirt when angered, as quick as Jonathan Rys Myers derobes every lady who crosses his path in The Tudors and as quick as Vincent BRown can bring your ass down to earth (haha last night with political guests from all parties who were not leaders- "We're stuck with this lot"- priceless)- anyway enough analogies, you get it... it happended QUICKLY. And that my friends... is KARMA at it's best!

Think I'll scan my bag twice this evening!!

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