Monday, December 21, 2009

Oh what a night...

... Friday night was the 2nd Annual Jingle Bell Ball and what a night we had. First off thanks to everyone for coming along and supporting Barnardos Childrens Charity, we raised over €7000, thank you thank you thank you! And thank you for being such loyal RedFM listeners over the past year. It was pretty much a whole day event this year with our Gold Tickets winners coming to the station at 9am Friday morning for an Acoustic session from the Frank & Walters, who as always were great, they played one of my fave tracks "Tony Cochrane", what a way to start a days work, I could get used to it. SO after we fed and watered the Franks & our first group of listeners then came our afternoon set, which was from Cork band eile JoDavino, they too were fab and our listeners definitely approved. After getting a little work done through all that excitement it was time to get ready for the main event. Off we trotted to The Pavillion at 7 to get the venue ready & take our places. I was stationed at the Brown Thomas gift area, yes we gave free gifts on the way in, sorry boys, they were just for the girls! As soon as everyone was inside we got things rolling. The brilliant Mako kicked off the night, they won the support slot through Colm O'Sullivan's Transmission and the Red Rooster& they did not disappoint, ever the professionals! That was followed by JoDavino who played a blinder once again. Then I got the phone call! What everyone didn't know was who the surprise act was. I was summoned to the side of the stage where I met up with Jay Zed and the Blarney MC aka KC & Lenny, they donned their afro wigs, santa beards, fur coats & drawn on six packs (fair play to Sheena for donating her Mac Eyeliner for that one). I was costumeless... I just looked like me, but it didn't really matter at that stage cause all I could focus on were the 400 people, screaming for BellX1 but who were about to get us bunch of chancers instead, for the length of a song at least. KC & Lenny lashed back the beers for some dutch courage, I was on the water for the night so I lashed back the riverrock, then Lenny turned to me & said "I have to pee", "me too" I said but it was too late to run anywhere at that stage. KC was on the verge of passing out next to me which was only making me worse. It should be noted I practically bullied the boys into doing this, they weren't too keen but I thought it was a great idea, up until that moment when I wished I'd kept my mouth shut, but no going back now. Dave Mac Annouces..."Give it up for Jay Zed, The Blarney MC & Alicia Outta Keyes". Thankfully our amazing listeners were thrilled and knew exactly what was going on when they heard the names. On we came, the beats to "Empire State of Mind" kicked in, Lenny rapped, I sang, Kc rapped, I sang and the crowd cheered. What a laugh. I probably had the easiest part cause everyone sang along with my chorus (love ye), but the boys did a savage job of their raps and within 2 mins it was all over... On came the band of the night BellX1, they were unreal as always, I was delighted to hear oldies like "Snakes & Snakes" & "Alphabet Soup" in there. Paul Noonan was as always very pleasing on the eye for all the ladies, and some men obvo. He managed to get himself a cheap thrill in the form of a "testicular grope" from one very enthusiastic fan, but come off it Paul, you knew what you were up to the minute you stood out so close to the crowd, this is Cork, we go for it :)They really did rock it up, KC & Lenny came back and gave away a signed BellX1 guitar, announced how much everyone raised for Barnardos (thank you), everyone partied the night away to the ledge-bag Stevie G & it was all over for another year. All in all a great success and I have to say it topped last years JBB. Bellx1 made the night and a huge thank you to them for doing the gig. Of course my highlight was singing to 400 people...but I would never get carried away & get ideas above my station, ya gotta keep it real... next stop the grammy's!!!!

Mako start us off!JoDavino delight!
Jay Zed, Blarney Mc & Alicia Outta Keyes perform "New Cork"

The Noonan goes for it!
Not too shabby!!
Ok so there's more than just Paul Noonan in the band!

Oh no well done you sir!!
Listeners party on!

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