Thursday, January 22, 2009

"Oh no you didn't...."

Watched Slumdog Millionaire last night, what a show, definitely worth watching. Original script, visually amazing, great performances, love, love, loved it! Also caught The Wrestler last week, another movie that's gotta be seen. I was a fan of WWF when i was a kid (2 older brothers, I had no choice) but ya don't need to be into wrestling to get this one, it's got a great story and Mickey Rourke rocks it as "The Ram", obviously with his botched face lifts it's hard to find great roles where he gets to show off his acting range, people are quicker to cast him in cartoon-like roles as in Sin City, but this part was definitely written for him, hopefully we'll get to see more of him... Man, he was hot in his day!!

Anywho, was in the kitchen here at work this morning chatting with someone about Slumdog and Lenny happened to be there too but he hadn't seen it so we were obviously speaking in code trying not to give anything away, he just left in the end which made things much easier, our code speaking obviously needs a bit of work, but it made me remember the time someone completely ruined a movie for me by blurting out the end before I'd even seen it.

Let me set the scene---
The year was 1996, the place was my old neighbourhood, the movie we were planning to go and see was Seven and the spanner who gave away the ending was Ciara D (for obvious reasons I won't be stating her full name, lawsuits and all that). Ciara was a lovely girl it has to be said but boy did she go down in my estimation after that day*.

<<<Warning the following piece contains a spoiler from the film Seven, so if you haven't seen it, don't read ahead. Then again the movie is over ten years old so why the hell haven't you seen it yet??>>>

I still remember where we were standing, it was outside Lorraine C's house, AmyJ and myself were walking past and met Nicola S, Lorraine C and Ciara D, they had been to the flicks the night before, I was planning on going the next day, we got talking about the movie and all of a sudden Ciara says...
"Oh it's so terrible when it turns out to be Gwyneths head in a box"...

WHAT THE F**K...... everything went into slow motion at that stage and I did feel a little faint, there was silence, I slowly raised my head, Ciara D lowered hers "Did you just ruin the end of the movie for me", I demanded to know. "Yes", she replied, "Sorry". "No, that's not what happens", Nicola S shouted trying to redeem the "Foot so far in Mouth it's coming out my ass" situation we found ourselves in, but the damage had been done, poor Gwyneth had been f****d royally and I couldn't help but feel her pain!**
I did go see the movie though, but the whole way through I was waiting for Gwynnies head to pop out of a box like a frickin jack-in-the-box...... ruined!!

*I would like to state certain emotions may have been added for dramatic effect, Ciara D only went down in my estimation for about a week after this incident... and even though I haven't seen or spoken to her since then, I'm sure she remains a lovely person!!

**I would also like to say I in no way think having your head chopped off could compare to finding out the end of a movie before seeing it, I also have no desire to find out!!


Here's William Shatner's take on it from the MTV Awards that year!

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