Friday, January 30, 2009

An Ode to the Smiley Echo Woman...

On such a miserable (quelle suprise) rainy, grey afternoon, I feel I have to give a big shout out and wazzzuuuuppp to the Smiley Echo Woman. If you're not familiar, this woman sells Echo's on the Sarsfield road roundabout, usually in the direction from the city going towards Wilton. As I approached this lady today, let's call her "Nell" (she looks like a Nell), well as I drove towards Nell today (obviously in a non threatening manner), I thought surely she's not smiling on a day like today while it's bucketing down on the poor woman! But sure enough, there she was flashing the pearly whites, ready for someone to stick the hand out the window with a euro and 30 cent for d'echo (remember when you'd have change from a euro for the echo). You see Nell has what I like to call a perma-smile, the cynics amongst us may think; "she's botoxed that way", or "she's drunk or even high"... I don't know Nell, and yes it is a slightly manic smile truth be told but I do like to think none of the previous statements are true because in my mind she's a rare breed in the world these days, something of a vestige one might say, Nell is in my mind- Happy!

Happy? I hear you say, what is this strange and unknown feeling I hear you speak of. You see for the Nell the only pressures that exist are getting to the man in the Toyotta Corola before the lights change, or giving the woman in the Cinquicento her change before the lights change, or avoiding the tool in the skanger looking Honda before he ploughs into her... People come and go into Nells life with the flick of a traffic light, some she see's daily others maybe twice as they circle through roaring "how'dya get off this f****n roundabout"... but for everyone alike, she always has a smile... so next time you're passing through the Sarsfield Roundabout give ol Nell a wave, even a wink or maybe a voucher for a face massage (those cheeks must be killing her) and as you sit in your car complaining and roaring abuse at the car 3 in front who can't hear you anyway, take a lesson from Nell... smile ya miserable f****r and don't give yourself a banger!!!

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