Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I Had a Dream...

...No not that kind...

... I dreamt of Brad Pitt last night, it was most bizarre. I was away in what seemed like Amsterdam, i don't even know why it seemed like that but ya know the way you just know these things in your dream! There was no Welcome to Amsterdam signs or red lit windows with half naked women in them but for some reason i just knew it was the Dam, I was having a few drinks with a friend of mine (Petey, it's obviously a sign we need to meet soon & in amsterdam if my dream is to be believed), then Pete got very drunk (:D) so I had to drop him off at Brad Pitt's house, where he was staying. I had to sign a form at this big steel gate to state who I was and who i was bringing there, then the gate opened and Brad was sitting on the steps chatting to his security guard having a few drinks and I thought, oh how sad he can't even come out and join in the fun everyone else was having in the bars because he's so famous! Then I went and met my friend Amy for some more drinks. Very bizarre dream but then I thought about it and this is how my day went yesterday:

Came to work, had a msg on facebook, checked it, saw Pete's picture and had a brief thought about him and how great he is, did some work, had another thought about 2 other friends who are just back from Amsterdam and thought I must check how they got on (forgot to), did my "Telefunkin" link with Stevie on Red Drive at 5.30pm, spoke about Brad Pitt and how he turned down the part of Will in "About a Boy", also had spoken to my brother that day about the movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" which stars Brad Pitt,
then watched the movie "About a Boy" where I spotted Brad Pitt on a magazine cover,
spoke to my friend Amy on the phone before going to bed last night... then I had that dream... not so random after all, basically it was a mash up of my day yesterday, how cool!

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