Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Transformers- A pile of poo in disguise!

Got to see Transformers last weekend, what a load of cack!! Now granted I never liked the cartoon i was always more of a He-Man/She-ra kind of girl, by the way since when was She-ra, He-Man's twin sister?? I didn't know that, I thought they were in love but were too busy defending Eternia and the Castle Grayskull... anyway back to my point, so I was never much of a Transformer's fan, there was always a fight on sat morn between me and my brother over who got the power of the remote, because if he did I had to watch Transformers- Robots in disguise... grrr, he did usually win it has to be said! So I managed to escape watching it in cinema, even though my better half did want to go see it and I offered a few times but there was always something else to see instead. So last weekend he bought it and I thought, ok let's give it a chance, it might surprise me! Surprise me it did, I never expected it to be such a load of S**t. The acting was appalling, the script was terrible, the whole thing was like a B-movie. Was it meant to be like this?? And that guy in the lead role Shia LeBouf, holy crap he was so bad, i wanted to just hit him and say "over-acting, look it up"!! I didn't even keep watching the end of the movie. Some things should just stay in the 80's- like slap bracelets, side pony-tails, shell tracksuits and Transformers!! Now if someone wanted to make a Jem and the Holograms movie, i am all up for that!! xxMurphxx


my name is nobody ( T ) said...

ohhh my god.. TRANSFORMERS was bloody brilliant...
are ya sure ya werent watchin something else...
i'm gonna go cry in the corner while playin with my optimus prime toy!!!

dave mac said...

have to agree with big t there murph don't know what you and yr fella were watching but had you seen it on the big screen you would have seen a big dumb terrifically entertaining throwaway blockbuster that looked amazing - the first transformation was astounding - the script was sharp, funny and engaging (which was the most surprising thing about it) and Le Boef was great i thought - anyway each to there own, which in your case means grease dirty dancing and the like - guess that explains all!!!!!!!!!!

dave mac said...

oh heard ya didn't like eastern promises either - hmmm what did you like recently? thought viggo mortenson was brilliant in it - did you know he spent 6 weeks spinning around russia on his tod just to get into the flavour of the whole thing...

Caroline said...

Bite me Mac

Caroline said...

Ha ha kidding... Now lets get one thing straight that guy in the lead role of Transformers was horrendous and I do happen to like other movies than Grease, DD etc. Eastern Promises had great potential but I thought it completely lacked something. it just never got going, there was gore for the sake of it, I spent half the movie thinking it was set in Russia for god sake, It could have been great, I thought it was a weak script with weak actors. Viggo Morteson has never been good outside of Lord of the Rings & Naomi Watts is great with the right script. You and me just have completely opposite tastes! Mine is good your is crap... ha ha... joking!

my name is nobody ( T ) said...

wait... ur tellin me there was a lead guy in transformers??? i didnt get past megan fox... yeahhh baby!!!!