Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Santa Claus is coming to town...

Santa visited RedFM on Monday... basically Ruari from sports put on a red costume and copped a feel off everyone. But it has to be said the kid in each one of us came out as there was nearly riots to get the traditional Visit to Santa Photo!! And the fizzy lollies after was a nice touch! We had a comp around here to see who could decorate their offices the best, the theme was Santa's Grotto and it has to be said news won hands down, they went all out. They had xmas tunes playing while you waited to sit on Santa's knee !?!?! and even The Snowman playing on DVD, they even went as far as making the sign in the background to say you had visited Santa at the News Desk. Hilarious... It was clearly a slow day for news! Then again something tells me a nuclear attack could of taken place and it would just of had to wait!! Ever the professionals :D

But who could forget visiting Santa when you were a kid, we used to always go in Wilton Shopping Centre and i swear i used to almost faint in the que, my palms were sweaty I was rehearsing what to say, slight panic over the bust up I had with my brother the week before when I punched him in the face and called him a name I really should not even know at that age, had Santa seen it, was he gonna mention it, had my good deeds all year outweighed the bad ones, was I gonna get away with no bag of coal this year. Then it was time, Santa's helper came out, who knew Margaret Murphy from down the road was a close friend of Santas, she was my new hero, in she led me, I could feel my head spinning around, was i gonna cry, no I couldn't, then the curtain went up and there he was, my old pal Santa, he knew my name and he said it was great to see me again, phew I was off the hook. Running over to him, big hug, he looked slightly panicked but we'll overlook that, studying his face, making sure nobody was pulling the wool over my eyes, happy it's all legit, then up on the lap for a chat and a picture. Listing off what i want, please don;t say you're out of them, chancing my arm and adding a few more things in that I didn;t tell my Mam, what's she gonna do give out to me in front of Santa, Daggers from mam, the "wait till we get out of here" look, Santa giving me the usual speech i'll see what I can do, not good enough big guy, I need the guarantee, kiss on the cheek to seal the deal, some more idle chit chat to try and stall him so no more kids can come in, the more kids the less likely I get all the toys I want, time to go, hey wait where's my present, I'm a girl I don't want a blue parcel (regularly happened I had very short hair), he must of wondered why a little boy wanted a cabbage patch doll?, bye Santa, happy now, open the package, a pink fish that tells your fortune, a colouring book, crayons, a cheap doll who's leg has already fallen off, a look at my Mam, I think we've been had, maybe I'll send a letter too when i get home just in case he forgets, get the photo, tears cause I do look like a boy, meet my brothers, more tears as they laugh hysterically, ha ha "who's the little boy", slaps all round, into the car, home happy!! (I better get a good quality Cabbage Patch, not like this shit shop piece of plastic doll that's falling apart limb from limb) xxMurphxx

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