Friday, December 21, 2007

The Boss

Hello... Sorry I haven't posted all week, work has been absolutely manic, but we're on the home stretch to some Christmas Holidays... woohoo! I am off for a couple of weeks from my day job of Production but will be in to do the Weekend Rooster plus I will be on the air Christmas Morning from 9am, hopefully catching up with some of the kiddies of Cork to make sure Santa paid them all a visit!

Well finally got to see the legend that is, The Boss, Mr.Bruce Springsteen. Unreal Unreal Unreal. Definitely the best gig I have ever been to and I have seen a lot of gigs but he topped them all. He played for almost 3 hours kicking it off with "Radio Nowhere" and finishing up with "Santa Claus is Coming to Town", in between he played most of his new album "Magic" peppered with quite a few tracks from "The Rising" and of course some of his classics such as "No Surrender", "Dancing in the Dark" and the cherry on top "Born to Run". I was all prepared to run to the front of the crowd for Dancing in the Dark just in case he wanted me on stage a la Courtney Cox circa 1984 but he never brought someone up on stage with him, shame I had practised my shuffle dance all night! Here's a reminder of how Courtney looked in the video when we didn't know she was an actress and thought it was all for real!

Ah..memories... check the video out on YouTube for a real trip down memory lane, won't let me publish it here! Brings me back to driving around with my Mam in her little yellow Fiat while singing along to Born in the USA album. It was a real thrill to see the E Street Band up close too, legends like Clarence Clemons, Nils Lofgren and Steve Van Zandt who you Sopranos fans will know as Silvio Dante, unreal.
So basically it was worth the 17 year wait to get to see them, now it's time to concentrate on getting tickets for the RDS gigs next summer, somehow!


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