Monday, September 15, 2008

Me Jollies....

So I'm back from my Jollies and what a Jolly time I had!! A friend of mine Fr.O'Rourke had said to me I could use his caravan at any time I wanted so myself and 2 friends headed off. We got there and nearly freaked out when we saw the size of the caravan, it was more like a camper van. Fr.O'Rourkes last place was tiny, we had just got settled when out of the bathroom walked a man, starkers... what fright we got... as it turns out we were in the wrong Van, after a quick chat with the police (nudey clearly over-reacted) we found the right van and it was as small as we had remembered. After many hours of being cramped up in what can only be described as a matchbox we got some unexpected company. Thats the problem with Fr. O'Rourke he promises the Van to just about everyone. So after going for a quick walk of the area (took all of 2 mins) Fr.Noel Furlong and the St.Luke's Youth Group had arrived and were singing up a storm in the sardine can. Jesus, they were ridiculous, they must of gone on singing for about 10 hours straight, right throughout the night they went on singing, well I say they, I actually mean Fr.Noel. Janine Reilly, Jerry Field and Tony Lynch pretty much collapsed in heap like me and the gang, But there's no shutting up Noel Furlong, he's like the duracell bunny on speed. 6 in the morning and he's going on about the Fr.Fitzgibbon cup and how Fr.Fitzgibbon looked like a cup! Eventually we'd had enough and had to abandon the trip but not before we walked in on that nudey guys wife in the loo and when she started screaming he came running, in the nip again, we managed to get into the car to make a getaway but he jumped on the bonnet and held on for about 6 miles down the road, we managed to shake him off, literally! But he of course had the last word when he punctured our tyres with a broken bottle, so we had no choice but to start walking, we managed to hitch a ride from Tom, an old fried from our village. Tom's not the full shilling to say the least and we should of known when he was driving a sewage truck that this wasn't going to turn out well. After waiting for him to open the door, Tom acciddentaly hit the wrong button and instead released a load of sewage all over us. So with the holiday ruined, no car and covered in shite we eventually got home... Next year, I'm staying in a hotel!!!

Holiday snaps:

-Fr. O'Rourkes crappy van, at least it was bigger than last years!

-The Magic Road (scary place- lost Fr.Jack here, he went to a better place!)

-St.Kevin's Stump-More of St.Kevin's Stump (it was great)!

-Noel, the big headwreck!!
-Scary nudey guy, very angry man!
-Tom (On a good day!) Just before he sprayed us in shite, the big b*****ks!

-Getting sprayed in shite!!!

At least we're home and washed now, FunLand is coming to town next weekend, can't wait to see the spider baby :D :D

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