Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Countdown is on...

... Less than 2 weeks to go to the PPI Radio Awards, where RedFM have been nominated for 9 awards, I myself am up for 2 which is unbelievably exciting, 1 for my Heroes documentary on The Clash and the other for my Station Imaging (my sensible 9-5 job here at Red), now the only question is...WHAT THE FRICK am I gonna wear...eeek!!


I was pleasantly surprised at how entertaining RTE was last night! It went from "How Low Can you Go- Work Experience" straight into Langerland TV. H.L.C.Y.G has it's moments, the only funny one is Baz but he's funny enough for all 3 of them, just once they don't ever get him to present a show like (the embarrasing) "Failte Towers" again. But then Langerland TV came on... it's genius, last night's episode "Top Ten What have the Gardai ever done for us" had me rolling around the place laughing. It's not up on the website yet www.langerlandtv.com but instead check out "Irish Music Throught the Ages"... too funny. As soon as I can get my hands on the Gardai one I'll post it straight up!

Irish Music Through The Ages from LANGERLAND on Vimeo.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Oasis or Blur??

Ah the big question of the 90's... for me it was close but Blur won out in the end. Check out this hilarious clip of Oasis getting a Brit Award in '96, hamming it up and giving two fingers to Blur...

What's the equivalent of the "great debate", these days??? Bebo or Facebook?? Oxygen or Electric Picnic? Miley Cyrus or Billy Ray Cyrus?? Daddy or Chips???

Either way none will be quite as entertaining as watching the two greatest bands of the 90's battle it out... friendships were ruined because of it!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

So pretty...


The Greatest Video of All Time???

Duran Duran's Rio has just topped an MTV poll as the Greatest Video of All Time... beating Michael Jackson's Thriller... something just doesn't add up with this!! Decide for yourself...

And how did this little beauty go unnoticed...just for the guitarist alone this should be in there...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Aidan Quinn and Me

The Utterly beautiful Aidan Quinn was on the Red Rooster with KC and Lenny this week, he had a special message for me too... check out the show this Sat morning from 7-10am to hear it.

I'm weak!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Me Jollies....

So I'm back from my Jollies and what a Jolly time I had!! A friend of mine Fr.O'Rourke had said to me I could use his caravan at any time I wanted so myself and 2 friends headed off. We got there and nearly freaked out when we saw the size of the caravan, it was more like a camper van. Fr.O'Rourkes last place was tiny, we had just got settled when out of the bathroom walked a man, starkers... what fright we got... as it turns out we were in the wrong Van, after a quick chat with the police (nudey clearly over-reacted) we found the right van and it was as small as we had remembered. After many hours of being cramped up in what can only be described as a matchbox we got some unexpected company. Thats the problem with Fr. O'Rourke he promises the Van to just about everyone. So after going for a quick walk of the area (took all of 2 mins) Fr.Noel Furlong and the St.Luke's Youth Group had arrived and were singing up a storm in the sardine can. Jesus, they were ridiculous, they must of gone on singing for about 10 hours straight, right throughout the night they went on singing, well I say they, I actually mean Fr.Noel. Janine Reilly, Jerry Field and Tony Lynch pretty much collapsed in heap like me and the gang, But there's no shutting up Noel Furlong, he's like the duracell bunny on speed. 6 in the morning and he's going on about the Fr.Fitzgibbon cup and how Fr.Fitzgibbon looked like a cup! Eventually we'd had enough and had to abandon the trip but not before we walked in on that nudey guys wife in the loo and when she started screaming he came running, in the nip again, we managed to get into the car to make a getaway but he jumped on the bonnet and held on for about 6 miles down the road, we managed to shake him off, literally! But he of course had the last word when he punctured our tyres with a broken bottle, so we had no choice but to start walking, we managed to hitch a ride from Tom, an old fried from our village. Tom's not the full shilling to say the least and we should of known when he was driving a sewage truck that this wasn't going to turn out well. After waiting for him to open the door, Tom acciddentaly hit the wrong button and instead released a load of sewage all over us. So with the holiday ruined, no car and covered in shite we eventually got home... Next year, I'm staying in a hotel!!!

Holiday snaps:

-Fr. O'Rourkes crappy van, at least it was bigger than last years!

-The Magic Road (scary place- lost Fr.Jack here, he went to a better place!)

-St.Kevin's Stump-More of St.Kevin's Stump (it was great)!

-Noel, the big headwreck!!
-Scary nudey guy, very angry man!
-Tom (On a good day!) Just before he sprayed us in shite, the big b*****ks!

-Getting sprayed in shite!!!

At least we're home and washed now, FunLand is coming to town next weekend, can't wait to see the spider baby :D :D

I'm baaaaaacccckkkkk!!

Miss me???
As promised Sat morning on the show, here are my top 10 favourite Anthems of all time. I could of listed another hundred to be honest but I'm sure that would just get boring!

CAROLINE’S ANTHEMS SOUNDTRACK (in no particular order)

The Cure- Just Like Heaven
The Clash- Stay Free
The Lemonheads- Bit Part
Pearl Jam- Daughter
Blur- End of a Century
The Isley Brothers- This Old Heart of Mine (Is Weak For You)
Pulp- Do You Remember the First Time?
Bananarama- It Ain’t What you Do It’s The Way That You Do It
Thunderclap Newman- Something in the Air
A-Ha- The Sun Always Shines on TV

Saturday morning on the show I had a very self indulgent moment and because you guys have had your anthems played for the past 2 weeks on the station I decided to have my moment, and played A-Ha, "The Sun Always Shines on TV", it was 3 mins of heaven and a lot of you agreed, I got many texts applauding such a cheesy choice, see, your music taste is as dodgy as mine... if ya missed it, here it is again, this time with lots of nudey models included!!

Truth be told, the video kinda scared me a lil but the image of Morten Harkett always eased the pain... oh it was true love with Morty and me, he just didn't know it!!

For a list of many other RedFM DJ's favourite Anthems check out www.redfm.ie, go to the Catch page and you'll find them there!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Over and Out!

I'm on hols for the week so the fab Laura will be looking after the Weekend Rooster for me this weekend. She'll have all the usual bits with some of her lovely self thrown in to the mix. I'll be back next weekend. Have a great week xx

All by myself....

... I DID IT, I finally swam all by myself. So it was only about 4 strokes but hey it's a start. My third swimming lesson and I'm nearly there. It all went quite smoothly this week apart from an incident involving a rope (dividing the lanes) and me being tangled up in said rope! But I quickly got out of it, spat out the litre of water I inhaled and was on my merry way. I have to admit though it is a terrifying feeling not having the security of the floats but to quote one of my fave self-help books "Feel the fear and do it anyway"... and I did.

Next fear to face- straw cowboy hats...
... No I can't do it, just too tacky!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Before Sex and the City...

... before nobody put "Baby in the Corner" in Dirty Dancing and before many of you were even born... Sarah Jessica Parker starred in my favourite movie of the 80's. WARNING: This clip contains leg warmers, big hair and men in tight pants! But it's dang good!! From 1985, Ladies and Gentlemen please enjoy "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun", the movie!

... and yes, my friend and I did know every line, every song and every dance move in this movie...And I did want Sarah Jessica's pink outfit. Don't judge me!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Another one bites the dust...

...Another weekend, another engagement. One of my closest friends has just got engaged, I'm so delighted for herself and her boyfriend (or fiance now). They're great together, she made a big move to be with him, they bought the house and the dog so it was only a matter of time. My other closest friend (I have 6- go me!) is expecting her second child, again I am so delighted for her and it's obviously the right time for them.

But what I want to know is... how come when I tell people, example my Mother, Aunt etc my friends good news, they get this look of pity, which is clearly directed at me and my lack of engagement and baby-on-the-way!

Can I just state here and now just because my friends are engaged and having babies does not mean that I automatically feel like doing the same, in fact I can think of nothing I want less at this moment in my life. Bring back the days when my mother was warning me "not to walk in that door pregnant or with a musician", (oops), well 1 out of 2 ain't bad!

But once ya pass the 25 mark all of a sudden you're a big freak for not being preggers or having a rock the size of ur head on ur left hand. Don't get me wrong, some day I will want these things, just not today. I have an amazing boyfriend (who is not Marilyn Manson as the photo may indicate) who I can definitely see myself with forever more but at the moment we like working all the hours god gave us, well"like" is a strong word but it's good to have the choice, we like having time to work on our goals in life and doing what we've always wanted. We like the fact that if we feel like blowing our savings on holidays, guitars, top-hats (oh yes I did!!)...... we can!

We like being able to stay in bed on Sunday until 4pm, get up, get food and get back into bed for the evening (to watch DVD's, oh behave!) Basically at the moment we like our life together! Now don't get me wrong I can't wait for the weddings and christenings that are all to come very soon, but I just know every second person will be greeting me with "You're Next"... "Lady,unless you're talking about the line for the toilet, karaoke or bar F**K RIGHT OFF", shall be my response. Either that or next time we're all at a funeral I'll make sure to return the favour and greet them with "You're Next"... see how they like it.

But on that note Congrats Val and Amy xx!!