Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Me likey...

... Lovin The Noisettes new track "Don't Upset the Rhythm", yes musos I know they've been around for a long time and it's only since they went all commercial that people have taken notice! But check out the version of The Killers "When You Were Young" they performed on BBC Radio 1's Live Lounge. I'm a sucker for strings!

Fried Chicken and Foot Massages...

... What a winning combination.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Days...

...Brand new feature on the show. "Happy Days" is where we take a look back at what you were watching on a Saturday morning as a kid. What was your favourite cartoon or TV show, what theme tune brings you back to the days of jumping out of bed on a Saturday Morning, throwing on your L.A. Gears and Hypercolor Sweatshirt, scrunching down your sports socks over your tights, throwing your hair up in a side ponytail, reciting the Goonie code, playing Alex Kidd in Miracle Land on the Sega Megadrive, feeling the need to say "Not" after every sentence or laughing inappropriately at the phrase "Where's Grandad?". Email the name of the show and a little about when you used to watch it to and I'll play the theme tune for you so you can kick back and remember "Happy Days"!! I kicked it off last Saturday morning with one of my old favourites... Ducktales...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Frankie the hero!

While in Waterstones at the weekend I was highly amused to come across this blast from the past
Judy Blume's Forever... and how I giggled to myself. Memories of Mrs.Galvin's (loved her!) 5th class came flooding back, no she didn't read it to us! You see every week we used to go to the library with the class to pick out our books for the week and every week we were told the same thing "No Judy Blume books"! Which was pretty stupid of them seen as Judy Blume taught us more about sex education than any classes in school. My Mam being well cool and open minded bought me my own Judy Blume books once I asked her for them, gems like "Are you there God? It's me Margaret"(a name Dr.Cox humorously called JD in an episode of Scrubs), "Blubber"(a name my brother non-humorously called me many years ago) , "Then Again Maybe I Won't", but none of them were quite as shocking for a 10 year old as "Forever". And how we all got to read "Forever" was down to one rebel- Miss Frankie Crowley. You see Frankie had older sisters so she knew everything, about life, boys, dirty books! I used to sit in the row behind Frankie and every lunch time for a week we'd all run to get our place at her desk, when we were all positioned and the initial kick-shit about who sat where had ceased, then Frankie would take the Holy Grail out of her bag, we'd all gasp and giggle and excitedly remind each other what had happened in yesterdays chapter then like mesmerised dogs waiting for their master to throw the ball, we'd all look to Frankie! Rather thoughtfully Frankie would have carefully scanned the book the night before and highlighted all the dirty bits for us, so if we were on a particularly boring part or were running out of time before the end of lunch she could easily skip ahead to the goods, well let's face it, it was the filth we were only interested in! Someone would be nominated to keep watch at the door for the teacher who was walking around checking on the classes in that corridor, we eventually had it timed that she'd swing past our class roughly every 4 minutes, at which time a text book would be thrown over "Forever" and we'd all start discussing our Barbie collections. I don't remember anyone's name in the book except for Ralph, anyone's who's read the book will know exactly who Ralph was! :D what a giggle we had at that book. When I found it in Waterstones I had a quick glance through to see if I could find any dirty bits but when someone walked up behind me I dropped it like a hot snot, forgetting I am now allowed read as many dirty books as I like! So thanks Frankie for the lesson, you were the hero of Mrs Galvin's 5th class :D

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Oh the pain....

... Holy F***! That's what I've been silently screaming every time I try to take a step since Monday night. I have 2 words for you... BOOT CAMP! Never have I known such physical pain. Even sitting down the muscles in my arse cheeks hurt, nice I know, but true. Last night in bed I woke in agony every time I went to turn over, I never knew I tossed and turned so much in bed. So basically Boot Camp is a twice a week event where I and about 15 others run around like eejits doing squats, lunges, jumping jacks, sit-ups, press-ups, planks (the work of the devil), spotted dogs (makes one look particularly stupid) and sprints, all in the name of fitness. We have an instructor who isn't as tough as Boot Camp trainers can be i.e he hasn't made anyone cry, yet!
I had to take a break from my last session for about 3 weeks and while you would think I'd keep up the excersising in some way shape or form between classes, I, being an idiot, did not. Hence, when it came to going back to class Monday night and the work out being much more intense, I now feel like my whole body is broken. Seriously this is ridiculous, I'm walking around like I just dismounted a horse after a 10 hour ride (steady!!)

Even pressing the peddles while driving today felt like someone was squeezing my thigh muscles within an inch of their life! Anyway, it's back to boot-camp tonight for more, a sado-massicist? Yes I must be. Well at least it's not raining, oh did I forget to mention classes go ahead no matter what the weather, that is unless there's an electrical storm (which is nice of them). If I ain't built like Jennifer Aniston by the end of this... I demand a refund... and a rub down from some swedish masseuse called Glore, with hands like spades and no morals :D

**While searching for a photo of a hunky masseuse I instead came across this gem... Who needs hunks when you've got....

Someone needs to give this guy his own tv show (**Wincing**Oh it hurts to be a smart-ass)!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

London Baby...

... So I'm just back after 2 weeks in London. I was doing some work over there but I did get time to enjoy myself of course. What a great city. I've been there a few times already but this was the longest I'd stayed and I have to say I was bitten and would defo like to spend more time there in the future. While I was there I got to do some shopping of course, the best being Portabello Road for all the vintage! I couldn't afford most of it but I did manage to pick up a couple of pieces, namely a very cool authentic 80's jumper, which KC could't stop laughing at yesterday- The cheek :D I was amazed at how Londoner's take the Tube for granted and hate it so much. I can see why they'd hate it, it's not the nicest place in the world, it's unhealthy, unfriendly and uncomfortable at rush hours but it's so frickin handy. You can literally get anywhere in about 10 mins. And even though when I arrived I was taking my sweet time getting from tube to tube by the start of the second week I found myself rushing and being intolerant of people who stood on the wrong side of the escalator or people sauntering in front of me- for no apparent reason other than it became a natural reaction- not good! I managed to get to see a show on the West End. "Entertaining Mr. Sloane" starring Imelda Staunton (someone I admire massively) and Matthew Horne (of Gavin and Stacey). The story was great, Imelda Staunton was as amazing as I expected, Horne was good but he lacked that certain something, maybe it was Theatre experience, he just seemed a bit unsure of himself, but hat's off to him, he did hold his own up against such an experienced cast! Looks like I got to see the show just in time too as I just heard Staunton and Horne have taken sick leave from the show and are being replaced by understudy's. I of course visited some clubs and pubs including Amy Winehouse's ex-local (she's moved out of Camden) The Hawley Arms, really nice bar, but supposedly it's just been done up after a fire, a lot bigger than I expected but with all the ultra cool looking people I expected, everyone looked like they were in a band, ladies if you like your men Indie style, this is the place to go :D that and Electric Showrooms in Hoxton Square, again everyone looked like they came straight from a Franz Ferdinand video shoot (*nice*), downstairs was a kip but they had a light-up dance floor which was quite entertaining and the music was cool until they went all old skool and started playing "Mr.Vain"... but yes I continued dancing! I was working every day except Sunday so I didn't get to do as much as I'd of liked and it is an expensive city but even with no money there's so many great places to see and just walk around. So I'll be looking forward to my next visit to London, me and my "tube" attitude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


... I'm back! Tune in tomorrow to the Weekend Rooster from 7am, I'll be back with all your regular bits, Rise & Shine just after 8am, Soap News, Weekend Anthem, How Bizarre and another chance for someone to get their mitts on an exclusive RedFM mug in Guess Who, What, Where or When!
Speak to ya then xx