Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Strange happenings!

Today was quite a bizarre day at work... First off everyone started asking me for pancakes for some reason. I happened to say I don't like them but someone assumed I said I had some and it just spiralled from there, you know how rumours start in the workplace. Anyway when we had finally established the fact that I indeed had no pancakes neither on my person or in my office- some people don't know the meaning of the word violation- anyway everything had calmed down when all of a sudden I was summonsed to the bar where low and behold a French chef called Yanik had arrived, mini-cookers and pancake mix in hand and away he went and cooked us up a storm. Now as I said before I don't eat pancakes but holy bajingo, Yanik made a haddock, celery and leek pancake which was amazing so now I eat pancakes! Anyway here are some pics...

... so it was strange enough that a chef just appeared to cook us pancakes and set off fire alarms and make the other company evacuate the building (nuff said!)... but as I returned to my desk, feeling warm and fuzzy and full of pancakes this is what I came across...
... RedFM sure is a strange place to work!!

1 comment:

Vic Barry said...

You sure you didnt have pancakes hidden on your person????