Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

Huge Thanks...

... to Centra for sending me on the funkiest pair of Mittens for Winter. Look out for the very cool (yet warm) pink mittens on sale in Centra all in aid of Action Breast Cancer. Adult & Kids sizes available & only €5. I'll be stocking up on more for friends & family.

For more click here

Friday, September 10, 2010

Love The XX...

...but everytime I hear "Islands" I can't help but think the start of it sounds like a stripped down sped up version of a track from a band called Madasun from 2000. Have a listen for yourself to the start of each song.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Forget Sunscreen, if I could give you one tip for the future BACKING UP would be it!! Managed to lose almost 5 years worth of work this week. My Mac (and me) had the mother of all meltdowns, not a pretty sight, either one! So take it from me if you don't have an external hard drive... get one... it is worth the few quid to save your sanity.

I think I've come out the other side now though and have regained my sanity... now where'd I leave the tissue boxes for my feet!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The facts are these...

Sunny weather

A Recession

Festvial line ups including Roxy Music, P.I.L, Marc Almond, The Waterboys & Echo & The Bunnymen

Cinema's showing The A-Team and Karate Kid
My wardrobe includes a stone washed denim jacket & pink jeans

...Somebody call Doc Brown... I think we may have actually gone back to 1985!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The bastard child of Robert Smith & Russell Brand

Sean Penn filming in Dublin, looking... well let's be honest, like shit!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I'm a disgrace...

...a holy disgrace. Again I have neglected this blog. I really have no excuse for it. I'm the same on twitter, I'll go through phases of constantly tweeting then suddenly not feel like sharing anything, yeah I'm kinda weird sometimes, but then who isn't? Any-who I'm back in a sharing mood. So for whoever's willing to listen, thanks of course, and here goes...

I suppose what a lot of people don't know about me is in my spare time away from radio, I'm an actress. I used to do quite a bit as a kid right up until I was about 16. Then I discovered drink and boys and it all went to pot. But just over 2 years ago I rediscovered my love for all things dramatic (my Mother would tell you I never lost that) and did a lot of training over the past 2 years in Cork, Dublin and London, while trying to get as much experience as possible. I can't say I've been steadily acting as everyone knows it's not that easy and it's the privileged few who can make a full time career from it. But I have been enjoying every bit of it, well maybe not every bit of it, the moments where you don't get a part or get a part then get it taken from you at the last minute as directors decide to "go a different direction" can be disheartening and just before every audition my boyfriend without fail gets a call from me asking him to remind me "why do I want to put myself through this again". It is of course because I love acting and while the most nerve wracking experience, it's also the most thrilling. So while most of my friends are getting married and having babies, I've gone backwards and decided to embark on a new journey of my own. A scary, non-reliable, time consuming, insecure journey... and I LOVE IT!!!!

So watch this space for more ramblings on my journey into the great unknown

Friday, July 30, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Monday, May 31, 2010

The Brother

Just back from "The Brother" at the Everyman Palace Theatre. What a show! Absolutely brilliant. Starring Eamon Morrissey, based on the works of Flann O'Brien. I was hooked from start to finish as he recounted tales ranging from the bizarre to the truly bizarre, each one as entertaining as the last. I was so delighted by the whole thing I found myself clapping like a baby seal and nodding and grinning enthusiastically at the 2 elderly gentlemen sat next to me, an act they found highly amusing!!
So if you're looking for something to do this week I highly recommend having your funny bone tickled at this one!
Check out the Everyman for more details.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Thank You...

...Everyone continuing to tune into the Weekend Rooster at the brand new time of 10am and to the new recruits, it seems there are many of you according to the latest JNLR figures. So thank you all, keep spreading the word... much love... Murph xx

If I was 14...

... I'd have my room covered with this pretty mug

Hello Aaron Johnson...swooonn!
And the fact that I just said "swoon" in this post shows I am not 14 and old enough to know better!!

Just because...

... it rocks!

Friday, May 14, 2010


Storyland- The Final!

Hi Peeps,
Time to get voting 1 last time for "WE OWN THE STREETS" to win RTE's Storyland. Besides the fact it's Cork made, it's hilarious, I've loved every episode. Well done to everyone involved. Watch the final episode here and of course VOTE HERE

Best of Luck WOTS!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Calling all young aspiring actors!!

14-16 year old girl sought to play lead role in film...

Underground Films are looking for a 14-16 year old girl to play the lead role in their upcoming film ‘The Christening’.

The film will be directed by Cork native Oonagh Kearney and is part of the Irish Film Board’s Signatures Scheme.

‘The Christening’ will be shot in Cork and London this summer.

Auditions are taking place this coming Saturday, 15th May, in Cork City.

No experience is necessary.

Anybody interested is asked to email a recent photo ASAP to Amy Rowan Casting at

Monday, May 10, 2010

Just whistle while you work!!

I'm a whistler, at home, in work, at play, all day every day. My boyfriend maintains I sounds like an 80 year old man when I whistle, I've got the quiver n'all! The fact that this track already has whistling is a bonus... plus it's great, enjoy!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Frank and Walters

...The Parson

Teaser... Hilarious!!

Video without the horny dog, that dog needs his own show!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


A very dear friend of mine who now lives in Madrid is working for iwannagothere. is a place where independent travelers can share up-to-date information and recommendations with other independent travelers – organized in a practical way to help people plan their trips and discover new destinations.
They've been shortlisted for this years webby awards (think The Oscars for Websites) and they need your help with votes.
So please support a fellow Corkonian and vote for iwannagothere. Head to their facebook page here and follow the link to vote.

Muchos Gracias xx

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

When Snoop gets here...

...I sooo wanna do a Larry King on it, I'll even provide the wheels!! Me & Snoop cruising through Curraheen in a 95 Starlet... awwwww yeeeeeaaahhh!!!

PIMPIN AIN'T EASY!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Quote of the Week...

... Came from my delightful cousin Jo-Jo! When telling us about a group that were going on a charity trip to Lourdes she informed us they'd be staying in a hotel on a hill that overlooks Vatican City... that's some hill!!

Haha ya Pagan Jo-Jo!!

Friday, April 9, 2010


Check the press release I just received:

Blur have recorded their first new material together in eight years.

The band have been back in the studio together following hugely successful gigs last year.

The new single will be released next week - but only as a limited edition seven-inch vinyl.

It coincides with Record Store Day - in support of independent music shops - which is next Saturday.

Woohoo (sang in a song 2 kinda way)!!
I cannot wait, let us celebrate with some classic BLUR!!

Speaking of classics, I'm watching re-runs of The Office at the moment, check this beaut... "She's deaaddddd... she's not dead", that I didn't die laughing!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

So Catchy...

Kate Nash's new track has got me singing...
"bambamnanumanumbam bambamnanumanumbam bambamnanumanumbam..."
And let's face it we can all relate, who doesn't know someone who's a complete wagon :)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

BOB's Back!

So while blow drying my hair the other evening, I suddenly froze at the image that was reflected in the mirror from behind me. Just at that moment my boyfriend walked into the room, saw the terror on my face and got quite panicked himself, I think he may have thought I was in the process of being silently electrocuted. I may aswell have been, because what I witnessed was a vision that brought me right back to being 10 years of age, scared shitless and having to sleep with the lights on for more than a year...TWIN PEAKS!! The tv show that robbed me of my innocence and gave me my irrational fear of forests.

Yes, 10 years of age was a little too young to be watching such a show, but I was a mature kid, I thought I could handle it. Which is exactly what i said when my Dad caught me watching it and told me to get to bed. "No dad, I'll be fine, I can handle it". Bless his soul, he knew how stubborn I was, so instead he watched it with me (a very sweet exercise he repeated when I insisted on watching "Silence of the Lambs" the following year), pointing out "it's not real" everytime I threw the cushion over my face. After about the 10th time I did this he had enough and marched me up to bed. But would I learn, would I 'eck... I snuck down every Monday night for the next few weeks and watched from the crack in the doorway, then proceeded to give myself away by howling for the rest of the night that "BOB" was at the end of my bed waiting to pounce!

As well as giving me constant nightmares, meeting Laura Palmer was the recurring one, I also developed as I mentioned a fear of forests, or really just any cluster of trees, convinced I could see shadows of red velvet curtains and imagining midgets talking backwards and doing funny little dances behind them. Then there was the theme music. Sat at home in my bedroom many years later I again had the "frozen" moment when I heard the theme song of my night terrors coming from my brothers room. I knocked at his door and stood there sobbing trying to get the words "turn off the music" out. He very kindly did and never played it again, at least not without checking I was in a 5 mile radius, for fear of his sister having another meltdown!
Over the years I managed to overcome the night terrors and even ate the occasional piece of blueberry pie,I didn't think every firelog had a message for me, I could even watch Kyle McClachlan in Sex & The City without cowering in a corner... Laura Palmer's dad- not so much. I managed to live alone for a full year without having to call my Mam once, screaming "BOB'S TRYING TO KILL ME".

I did have occasional moments, mainly when my boyfriend though it was hilarious to pretend to speak backwards or a moment when we first moved in together and I was telling him one night of my childhood fear, after we finished speaking I went to brush my teeth and left the bathroom door open, when he appeared (in all innocence) behind me in the mirror and I burst into uncrontrollable tears. And that moment last year when I thought I was ready to watch it again but the vision of the opening credits brought on a near panic attack. But all in all I thought I was over it.
That was until a couple of weeks ago I had a random nightmare about BOB. I started to get the heebie jeebies and was wondering why I was suddenly regressing then that fateful night as I blow-dried my hair my dream came out... there it was... in the reflection of the mirror, on the TV behind me... TWIN PEAKS 20TH ANNIVERSARY DVD EDITION!!
So for fear of this thing gripping me again and the possibility of driving my boyfriend away, by screaming "BOB" too many times in my sleep, or by waking him to walk me to the bathroom in the middle of the night (it was just that one time after the BOB nightmare... so far)... I'm gonna do it, i'm gonna watch it, from start to finish, no cushions or doors to protect me.

Although... maybe I'll just start by googling BOB and see how that goes!! Think I'll hang on to one cushion, just in case!

By the way while explaing to my Mam last week that I was having BOB nightmares again, she impressed me, yet made me laugh when she exclaimed "If I get my hands on that David Lynch"... watch your back Lynchy, Patsy's out for ya!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

Stones in his Pockets

Went to see "Stones in his Pockets" last night at the Everyman Palace. Great show! It was such a giggle from start to finish and the acting was superb. It stars Simon Delaney, he of "Bachelors Walk" & more recently "Zonad fame". It only runs until Saturday, I'd highly recommend if you're looking for something to do over the next couple of nights. Beware though I actually had jaw ache from laughing so much.
Here's the blurb

Stones in his Pockets

Thur 18 - Sat 20 March @ 8pm

By Marie Jones
Featuring Conor Delaney (I Keano)
and Simon Delaney (Bachelor's Walk)
Presented by Lane Productions

€25 / €20 conc.
€15 opening night
€7 students (Thurs night)

The Boys Are Back!

Due to unprecedented demand, the highly acclaimed STONES IN HIS POCKETS returns for
3 NIGHTS ONLY! Don't miss your chance this time around to catch the blockbuster comedy from the producers of I Keano, Alone it Stands and The Shawshank Redemption.

STONES IN HIS POCKETS is the award-winning, hilarious and sometimes poignant tale of a quiet rural town in County Kerry over-run by a big budget Hollywood film crew.

Universally loved by all who see it, STONES IN HIS POCKETS has a disarming simplistic charm all of its own. The entire story is brought to life by two highly talented actors (Conor Delaney from I Keano and Simon Delaney from Bachelor's Walk) who play over 15 characters between them in a triumph of characterization and physical comedy.

Winner of the Irish Times/ESB Irish Theatre Award for Best Production in 1999, two Olivier Awards in 2001 for Best New Comedy and Best Actor, Winner of the Evening Standard Award for Best Comedy, and nominated for three Tony Awards in 2001, STONES IN HIS POCKETS is a story-telling tour-de-force, not to be missed!

‘Hilarious and irresistible' Sunday Times

'Breathtaking' Times

'Astonishingly funny’… a theatrical tour de force' Scotsman

Monday, March 15, 2010

We Own The Streets ep 3

... I'm hooked on the adventures of XL, I'm even facing my lifelong fear of Twin Peaks to watch it. I had just about dealt with the Theme on the last one but I wasn't prepared for the vision of Laura Palmer in the background of this one... but I'm ok!!
Watch Episode 3 here



Friday, March 12, 2010

Alan Carr cracks me up...

... Check him out making actress Lindsay Lohan squirm

You'll have to click the link here as Channel 4 have disabled it!!

While we're at it let's remind ourselves of this gem... click here

Alan Carr cracks me up...


... And as always she did not disappoint! Kudos to you Ms.Gaga!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fancy yourself as a Pumpkin??

A Smashing Pumpkin that is. Billy Corgan has announced he is holding open auditions for a new bassist and keyboard player with the band. Following bassist Ginger Polley's decision to leave The SP's, Billy released this statement:
"Although I am heartbroken that Ginger is leaving the group, I really respect her decision to put her family first. I appreciate everything that she has contributed to The Smashing Pumpkins, and I'm proud of her for being such a great musician and friend. We were lucky enough to find drummer Mike Byrne through an open audition process, so why not open the doors again to anyone who might be interested for the bass or keyboard position. As you can see from our past and present, age, race, or a person's background is not an issue. Everyone is truly welcome to audition.”

If you fancy your chances and think you have what it takes to be in The Smashing Pumpkins, you can send background information, photos, and performance web links to or!!

Watch classic Smashing Pumpkins here

Two of life's great mysteries...

... Has Jason Batemen ever aged??
And has Kevin Spacey ever looked young?

Summer Tunage...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

RIP Corey Haim

A clip from one of my fave movies "The Lost Boys".

Thursday, March 4, 2010

And they're at it again

... another great video, their live shows must be a serious anti-climax though!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Road Trip!!

Just took my Princess on her first trip to Dublin. My Princess is my car by the way. She's a Toyota Starlet and I swear she lives! She's like my very own Herbie, I talk to her regularly, I apologise to her for the CRAPPY roads she has to drive over every day and I compliment her when she gets me somewhere safe. She's been in my family for a very long time so there's a lot of sentimentality attached to her but she's also one of the greatest cars in the world, I swear she'll outlive us all.
Anywho off we took to Dublin Monday after work and then drove back last night, leaving Dublin at 11pm. Here's some things I learned on my road trip:

1.Always go pee when you make a stop, even if you don't need to then, you will about 4 minutes down the road and there will be no more places to stop.
2.Diet Coke is not a good drink on road trips, see point 1.

3. Seeing a sign for a place called "Kill" results in much amusement and a little terror imagining a town with lots of "Tom's" sitting on walls in "I shot J.R T-shirts".

4. The night-time toll man is a little creepy- going both ways.
5. There really are no good stations to tune into after you lose RedFM, seriously.
6. The only show worth a listen was "Larry Gogan's Golden Hour" which is now re-using the old skool jingles..."Oldies will remember..." "Larry plays your Golden memories...."
7. David Gray's Babylon is now considered a "Golden Oldie", bet he's pleased with that.
8. Slight panic when I wonder, am I now considered such a thing.

9. Not enough people seem to know how to dim their headlights.
10. Or say thank you if you pull in for them cause their obnoxiously driving on top of you in their "look at me" jeeps they can't drive properly. Do you really have 10 kids to fit in there?

11. I need to get me a CD player for the car, tape player has started eating tapes.12. The new bypass is great but seems to have forgotten to bring the institution that is "Josephine's" with it.
13. It's inevitable I will at some point start singing "Everybody's Talking" from Midnight Cowboy.
14. I will remember what an unbelievable movie it is & remind myself to watch "Midnight Cowboy" again soon, then forget when i'm looking for something to watch at the weekend.

15. Talking to yourself in the car is far more entertaining in different accents.

16. The imaginary interview with Jonathan Ross goes great.
17. I'm always the guest.

18. Passing out a lorry never gets less scary.
19. For some reason I insist on making eek sounds aloud until I have passed said lorry.

20. The last 40km's is the longest part of the whole journey!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tweet Tweet

So seen as I am really bad for updating here and if by some miracle you like what you read here, then follow me on twitter. Vodafone have decided to catch up with the rest of the world so now I can tweet from my mobile too so there's no stopping me, random and pointless meanderings galore from meeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

Follow me here

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I Heart Ellie...

Love Ellie Goulding. Listen out for her new track "Starry Eyed" on Corks RedFM. Very Imogen Heap... which can't be a bad thing!!

If you haven't heard her debut single "Under The Sheets"- Amazing- Check it out here

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Oh dear...

... Guess who emailed me over the weekend...DAVE...den den dennnn!

If you don't know who Dave is check out my earlier post "Go F*** Yourself". Before I go on I must clear up one very important matter, for fear of legal action being taken, Dave is in fact 5'10". In my defense I did say approx after I wrote 5'8". But apologies Dave, every inch counts of course!! He also mailed to inform me of his very own Bootcamp class which he's starting up. First he tortures me then he emails me complaining I got my facts wrong and to plug his new venture, shameless! But he's bigger than me (by 6 very important inches) plus he assures me I'll see him again soon, he even added his own "Den Den Dens", so plug I shall do! He's got his new classes starting in Carrigaline and you can find out all the info on
Dave has assured me it's not going to be as full on as (and I quote) "My Special treat I had for you lot", Treat??? I'd hate to have seen what Valentines Day had in store for your Mrs!!
But yes Dave secretly I did have fun, in between the near vommitting and passing out that is. If you wanna tone and get fit then this is definitely the way to go. Keep an ear out to RedFM in the coming weeks aswell for some Bootcamp places up for grabs and more from DAVE...den den dennnnn!
Just before you come back to our class Dave can I just say how wonderful I think you are and how much I admire you.... please don't hurt me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Rage say Thanks!

Rage Against The Machine have kept their promise to reward fans for helping them top the Christmas charts - they have booked a massive free gig in London in June.
For more go here

We Own the Streets...

... Is the name of the Cork entry for RTE's Storyland competition. All Cork natives involved in making and starring in this one! Of course this shoulnd't be the only factor when voting, and it's not, because the episodes are actually hilarious and very well produced. Check them out at
Episode 1 & 2

And Vote Here

Monday, February 8, 2010

Go f**k yourself...

... is exactly what I wanted to scream at my bootcamp instructor every minute last week. So the story is as follows.
5 Weeks ago I returned to Bootcamp, twice a week, outdoor training, cardio & toning mainly. I had done 2 8 week sessions last year so i thought I knew what to expect. Firstly bootcamp must be like childbirth, because I conveniently never remember being in such physical pain for 7 days straight, seriously I was walking like a 90 year old with piles. Anyway a couple of weeks into it all was going well. I could run without collapsing against the fence and lunges & squats now only made me want to rip one eye out not both, progress! Then last week our trainer Mark had a surprise for us, what it was nobody knew, we soon found out! It came in the 5'8 (approx), fatigue clothed form of DAVE... DAVE, I feel like his name should be followed with a doomed "den den dennnnn". Fresh from the front line in Afghanistan Dave was our surprise, there to put us through our paces of a real bootcamp. He immediately started by roaring orders at us, this in itself made me want to retreat to a corner, curl up in the foetal position and sob, but on I soldiered. When I lost my hearing in one ear I did not speak up. Have you not seen GI Jane??? He would of screamed somethiing like "WHAT ARE YOU SOME SORT OF GIRL (ehh yes), DOWN AND GIVE ME 60, I SAID EAT MUDDDD".

Then it came time for group games. Let me get one thing straight, I am not a team player, I do not like team building excersises, it's not that I don't like meeting new people, I am just crap at them, I AM the weakest link. I was happy to be a post in Rounders in PE class, I couldn't catch or couldn't bat, I was good at standing there. 12 years has made no difference, if anything things have gotten worse. So our first task as a team was to drag a tyre the length of the court, around the cone and back, simples I hear you say in your best Meerkat impression. Simples my arse, Firstly remember the fact I cannot run, I run like an overweight 10 year old, awkward flailing of arms included. So the sheer panic of coming last made me completely miss the fact that I had managed somehow to get the tyre around the cone and was now dragging that with me. I got back to my team and tried to avoid eye contact with anyone, while also trying to avoid collapsing. So because I had decided to go first (not the brightest idea) I had now secured our position of last. We got the chance to make it up when it came to another group excercise which involved a lot of crawling on our knees. Boy did I crawl, I was like a turtle on acid, there was no stopping me, f**k the ripped knees and elbows I was gonna regain my dignity! After we won this one I was back in the group, pats on the back all round, or maybe that was relief at the hour finishing and knowing they would never have to be on a team with my sorry ass again. How wrong they were. Wednesday and DAVE...den den dennn... is back... this is not good! Again he puts us through our paces and it's back to group games. I can almost feel people moving away from me. Eventually I'm on a team, they really had to choice. This time it's an obstacle course, run around the cones and crawl under the man-made obstacle, simples I once again thought, i'm a dab hand at the crawling. I protested when it seemed like I would have to go first but the rest were having none of it, "fine" I thought, "you have been warned". Oh yes we also had a backpack with sandbags in it and a plastic gun to run with. I got off to a flying start, by the time we got around the first obstacle I was in second place... "I'm gonna do this I thought, I'm not gonna come last, I'm the queen of the wooorr...." Disaster... as I hit the deck and prepared to crawl at lighning speed under the next obstacle, I didn't get down low enough, my backpack caught the bin liners being used and I managed to bring the whole obstacle down on top of myself. I lay there motionless as people ran to get me out
"just leave me here I thought", I could almost hear adagio for strings playing as the rescue mission was taking place. Of course with me under the obstacle the few behind me took full advantage and ran around me. By the time I got back the other teams 2nd person was nearly done. Again there was the avoiding eye contact and moans and groans from my team-mates. I had done it again, we came last and it was all my fault. Feeling like the heavy breather in Hey Arnold I walked away tail well and truly between my legs. It's back to regular bootcamp tonight (I hope)and I for one cannot wait. If they ever decide on a remake of Private Benjamin, I'm their woman, there won't be much acting needed :(