Saturday, October 18, 2008



Friday, October 17, 2008

Slight Panic...

...while on air this morning and discussing "favourite words", in between songs I was online doing some research on peoples favourite words and came across this clip of celebrities favourite "swear" words! I had a listen to it on the "cue" button which allows you to hear something without it going out on air, then there was the moment where my heart stopped for a split second as I thought OH MY GOD what if I haven't cued the fader and this is going out on air... Scary moment, made me say most of the words featured in this clip... It didn't go out on air- Thank F***!!

*WARNING- THIS CLIP CONTAINS A S**T LOAD OF BAD LANGUAGE* (that's my responsible adult bit done)!

I have to say...

... as much as it may vex many people as we all know at this stage Johnny Borrell is a bit of a twat (or so the story goes!), but Wire to Wire is a really good song. I'm a big fan of lyrics and while some people go by the tune of a song, no matter how good the melody a song has to have good lyrics for me to be impressed (No I'm not a poet myself, just fussy)... and I know I know certain people will have a problem with me saying this but the lyrics are pretty damn good. Of course Johnny Borrell was a bit of a wank on Johnathan Ross last night getting completely "lost" in his performance but I'm just gonna have to say it... I really like that song!!

Ahh Whaddya gonna do!!!!!!!!!!

I'm absolutely lovin....

...FRIENDLY FIRES! This is their brand new single "Paris", love it! Savage video too.
Saw them on Jools Holland last night, Tom Jones was on the same bill, the singer pretty much put Tom Jone's hip shaking to shame... Tom was giving him major evils!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

PPI Winners 2008

Hooorraaayyy for us! We won 6 Awards at this years Radio Awards:
Best Breakfast Programme: The Red Rooster with KC & Lenny

Sports Coverage: The Big Red Bench

On-Air Competition- TNT

Silver went to Transmission for Musical Talent Program
Bronze went to RedFM Heroes for Innovation
Bronze went to The Red Rooster for Entertainment Inserts.

Well Done to everyone involved and everyone shortlisted, sometimes it feels like all your hard work is in vain but a nod every now and again to say "well done- you're doing good" makes all the difference!!

And then we partied....

Ahhhh what fun was had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


So every now and then Nuala (RedFM Receptionist) and myself will have a "Remember this..." moment! Basically we find hilarious clips of naff Tv shows we used to love as kids and send them back and forth to one another (clearly while we're on a ten min break from work!?!). Yet for some reason they never look as impressive now as they did then... like this...

MANIMAL... it used to be one of my faves and I used to just live for the moments when he morphed into an animal, but now I'm kinda disillusioned, maybe some things are better left as memories.

... but then there's the beauties that are still as good today as they ever were. I need to point out for the record I am not old enough to remember the original airing of this series but I lived for the re-runs on a Thurs night on Sky... for some reason my family used to clear out when it came on, I never knew why, they were missing some of the best TV ever... EPILOGUE!!

... ROCKIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Family

Anyone been watching the new Channel 4 Documentary "The Family" on Wednesday nights. I'm hooked on it and only last night while watching them go through the daily fights, tears, hugs and laughs I figured out why I am so addicted. It's like looking back in time at my own family when we were growing up. I always thought nobody fought like me and my brothers, ya know the odd dig here and there that started off as a laugh but inevitably ended up with me roaring crying and my brothers trying to quieten me down by promising endless presents, so my parents wouldn't find out, but this lot are just the same.

They call each other by roaring from wherever they are in the house, they fight over who's turn it is to wash up, the parents worry that their daughter is going out to clubs too much, she refuses to stop, the Dad can't understand his kids, the kids can't understand their Dad, the parents are fighting a never-ending battle to get the kids to tidy their room and when the parents are out World War III breaks out at home.

On the other side of it, they support each other to the last, for all his giving out the Dad loves his kids unconditionally and is happiest when he's helping them out, the Mother loves kisses and cuddles from her kids and is like a big kid herself at times, the kids look out for one another and the best and worst times they have are when they're all together!!

How very normal!!!