Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Is it very valuable del??

We've all been in this situation, you're either helping out or moving your own pieces of equipment, the stuff is heavy and pretty fragile, you have a stairs to climb and all of a sudden one random thought from one of the best tv series ever made pops into your head, and that's the end of it...

... Why is it we always get the giggles and can only think the funniest thoughts at the most inopportune times? Walking through Mahon Point last week when all of a sudden Moe from the Simpsons calling Marge- Midge popped into my head and I was off, beaming like a half head and giggling like a twit to myself. I eventually had to pull out my phone and look like I was reading a text to save myself from the strange and concerned looks I was getting, it was no doubt only a matter of time before some young wan with 'tude was gonna take exception to me smiling (God forbid) and stride up to ask me "wa u laffin aaaaa"!! Ya wouldn't get it love!!



my name is nobody ( T ) said...

totally know wot ya mean caz...
was at a funeral, an a scene from beetlejuice came n2 my head... ya know that part where beetlejuice kicks ovr a headstone, an says says "nice f*&kin model" while grabbin his d sound of an old car horn plays n the background!!!! klass!!!

Caroline said...

Ha ha I love Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!My God at a funeral. Now that would of been awkward. it's like the more ya can't laugh, the more ya want to!