Monday, February 25, 2008

Up the Irish!

So delighted for Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova, winning the Oscar for Best Song at this years Academy Awards! The song being "Falling Slowly" from their movie Once. I have always liked The Frames, not in an obsessive way a lot of people seem to be into them but I have always admired Glen's attitude and how he completely believes in what he does, not subscribing to a lot of the bullshit that goes with the music industry and above all he's always stayed really grounded. He's been out to the station countless times to talk to Colm O' Sullivan and is always so humble and thankful for the help Colm gives with playing his songs and plugging his work. Being successful in life is not about how many cars you have or how big your house is, it's about finding what you love and putting your heart and soul into it. Believing in what you do and working so hard to achieve success which is not easy in this life but it's so important! Unfortunately Ireland is a country full of begrudgers, not saying everyone is of course but there is a good portion of people who hate to see any of our own doing really well. They're the people who start saying "Who does your man think he is", or "He thinks he's God", as soon as someone starts to have success outside of Ireland, even though they may know nothing about the person they sit back and judge and criticise someone for doing something they have a passion for and for being so proud of their work they want to share it with others outside of Ireland and have every right to be proud when they get recognised for this work. The people who say "It's nice for some" as if success is just handed to people on a plate, granted a lot about success is down to right place right time and luck but so much more of it is about working your butt off and when you do get noticed being able to prove that you have the talent to back it up! It's an attitude that's bothered me for a long time now and I'm sure it won't change for a lot of people anytime soon. But hopefully Glen and Marketa winning the Oscar will inspire many others to keep working hard and believing they can achieve such success and that someday all your slogging will be recognised in an appropriate way, be it an Oscar, a pay rise, even just a Thank You from someone you thought took you for granted. I think Marketa put it best in her speech when she said "Dare to Dream"... here here!!

Here's Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova performing at the Oscars and accepting their awards! Congratulations again, well deserved!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Cate Blanchett- my new girl crush!

Went to see the new Movie "I'm Not There" this weekend. The first thing I noticed in the opening credits "Based on the music of Bob Dylan", this immediately changed my expectations. I had thought it was a movie based on the life of Bob Dylan with all these fine actors and actress playing Dylan throughout the years, what we saw was something extremely different. I'm not going to go into it too much and spoil it for others who may be going to see it (and you should go to see it) but I will say go in there with an open mind, expect the unexpected and read between the lines! I can honestly say it is now up there with my all time favourite movies. Cate Blanchett who I have always been a huge fan of just reiterated the point that she is one of the most talented actress's of our time, her ability to hold an audience amazes me and I have to say dressed as a man- she was kinda hot!! Seeing Heath Ledger on the big screen was quite poignant and again brought home the fact of how sad it is to lose such a talent at such a young age, after his death people were comparing him to the likes of Marlon Brando and I am always wary of these kind of statements because all too often they are thrown around as some kind of sympathy lines, the death of young talent is tragic but when they are considered one of the greats of our time it makes for an even more tragic story- which of course means more tabloids being sold and more dramatic E true Hollywood stories. But in this case... It was definitely not just a line and his performance in "I'm Not There" only proved the point even more! In my humble opinion this movie ain't for the non-believers of the greatness of Bob Dylan and his poetic genius, ya just won't get it! But for the believers, it's a story you'll want to watch over and over again... and probably dig out Dylan's whole back cataglogue trying to match the happening's to the songs! One of the few movies where I sat through the closing credits unable to utter any words, too blown away to talk and hoping it would just go right back to the start and play again. When i did eventually snap out of it there was only one word that could be uttered..."Unreal".

MSN Winner Feb 9

Well done Brendan Cullen from Bandon... it was of course the beautiful Kylie!

Friday, February 8, 2008

MSM Feb 9th

Morning my friends... here is todays Mug Shot Muddle, Identify the celeb for your chance to win an exclusive and much sought after RedFM mug!

This princess of pop could make ya wanna call a doctor, who can get her out of your head!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Strange happenings!

Today was quite a bizarre day at work... First off everyone started asking me for pancakes for some reason. I happened to say I don't like them but someone assumed I said I had some and it just spiralled from there, you know how rumours start in the workplace. Anyway when we had finally established the fact that I indeed had no pancakes neither on my person or in my office- some people don't know the meaning of the word violation- anyway everything had calmed down when all of a sudden I was summonsed to the bar where low and behold a French chef called Yanik had arrived, mini-cookers and pancake mix in hand and away he went and cooked us up a storm. Now as I said before I don't eat pancakes but holy bajingo, Yanik made a haddock, celery and leek pancake which was amazing so now I eat pancakes! Anyway here are some pics...

... so it was strange enough that a chef just appeared to cook us pancakes and set off fire alarms and make the other company evacuate the building (nuff said!)... but as I returned to my desk, feeling warm and fuzzy and full of pancakes this is what I came across...
... RedFM sure is a strange place to work!!

Were you part of the Dempseys Den Club?

So many of you won't even remember Dempseys Den but for those of you who do, here's a lil trip down memory lane. I was of course a member of the Dempseys Den Club and I still remember the very first membership pack arriving in the post, it came with a poster of the boys- Zig, Zag and Ian, a fanzine which featured some illustrated adventures with them and this little gem... An official Dempsey's Den Club Giant Badge. My friend Val was also a member of the club and boy did we wear those badges with pride... us nerds??... never!!!!!

Was doing some spring cleaning last night and came across it, ya reckon it's worth anything now??

Who wasn't part of a fanclub, they were great fun, I was a member of the Kylie fan club, I'm talking the Locomotion, Hand on Your Heart, Kylie days, I think i could of been a member of the A-Ha fanclub too but I don't remeber ever receiving much from them so maybe I just sent a lot of crazed fan letters to Morton Harkett begging for marriage and convinced myself I was part of the club. But to this day my brother tries to tell me I was part of the MacGyver Fanclub, I'll admit it I was a huge MacGyver Fan but I never recall receving any bits of tape, a penknife and 2 metres of twine in the post so i have to conclude I was unfortunately never part of the Mac Pack!

Here's a pic of me and my friend Val obsessing over Macgyver back in the day:

Ha ha sorry Val!!

Tune in this Sat morning from 7am for more Cringe-worthy Fanclub stories, you can post up your Fanclub memories here or text me Sat on 086-8273336. Looking forward to hearing them!!


Saturday, February 2, 2008

MSM Winner Feb 2

Well done Susan Irwin from Blackrock this weeks Mug Shot Muddle winner... you correctly identified Shane Ward! Exclusive RedFM Mug winging it's way to you as we speak!


Friday, February 1, 2008

MSM Feb 2nd

Clue: These lovelies certainly seem to think he's got the x factor!!

I'm back

Hola... I have returned from travels, took a few days off to head to Valencia in Spain, good weather, good food, good company, what more could I ask for! Got all the usual bits for ya tomorrow morning, Rise & Shine track- some classic soul, a weekend anthem that'll get ya dancin your pants off, a look ahead at your soap news for next week, all the latest celeb gossip, another chance to win an exclusive RedFM Mug in Mug Shot Muddle plus some very cool prizes from show sponsor Frank Clarke Ltd... including a Black & Decker cordless screwdriver kit, Black & Decker autotape and a very cosy dewalt fleece Top, as modelled by me, in my best cheesy pose :D with thanks to photographer KC! Join me to play "Tools of the Trade" all morning and you could get your grubby mits on the goodies!
So a packed show for ya... tune in from 7am Sat morn for some fun fun fun
xxMurph xx