Thursday, May 23, 2013

"Thanks Pennys"

I was recently on a short break in Spain visiting my brother. While there I was introduced to some friends of his. One girl in particular caught my eye, mainly because she was wearing the most beautiful silk black and white polka dot blouse (which by the way she had teamed with a pair of denim shorts and a striped black and white blazer- muy elegante!). I immediately admired the outfit, singling out the silk shirt. This stylish spanish chicas response took me by surprise, “Thank you”, she said... Thank you? Is that it? I thought. I waited and kept looking and smiling expectantly at her, waiting for more information.
You know, how much it cost, where she bought it, how ancient it was and how she forgot she even had it in her wardrobe...but... nothing! This Senorita was giving me nada. That became even more clear as she edged away nervously from my intense (and probably super creepy at this stage) gaze.

A few days later I recalled the story to a friend, who lives in France, and my shock at the complete lack of info my Spanish acquaintance had offered up. To my surprise my friend confirmed it’s much the same in France. Compliment someone on an item of clothing and all you get is a lousy “Thank You”. Worse still, if they offer you a compliment on what you’re wearing and you give the “normal” response... “Thank you”, followed by the very interesting story of how you almost bought it at full price but after going into Boots earlier that day for a €7 moisturiser, had ended up spending €47 on a more expensive moisturiser and lots of other crap you really didn’t need, so you left said piece of clothing there but when you happened to be passing the shop the next week it was half price, so you immediately picked it up but now you’re not too sure if you even like it that much, in fact you don’t think it suits you one bit and you’re going to go home later and burn it...they look at you like you’re crazy... the cheek!
Could it be our fellow European friends are onto something? Let’s face it, by the time we are finished talking down and dismissing the compliment we received in good faith, our complimentary friend has either a) stopped listening to us and we end up looking like a babbling mess or b) regretted ever complimenting us and we end up looking like a babbling mess.
Either way, we lose.

While discussing this with a friend she revealed the true story of a young South African woman who came to Ireland to stay with an Irish family, to learn the language and culture. While out one night with a group of Irish friends one of them complimented her jacket. “Thanks Penny’s”, she replied. The group looked at each other, all quite confused, mainly because the jacket had a well known designer label on it. “Pennys?”, the Irish girl asked. South Africa looked confused. “Thanks pennys”, she repeated. “I don’t think you bought that in Pennys”, Ireland said. “No, of course not”, South Africa confirmed “It’s designer, but is that not what you say when someones pays you a compliment? Thanks pennys”?

So let’s all try to be more confident and respond to a compliment with a simple “Thank You”. If anything it will stop us confusing our foreign friends.

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