Thursday, January 27, 2011

Not quite sure I should admit to this...

...but here goes!
While watching VH1's 100 Greatest Artists of All Time last night, it got to Jimi Hendrix at Number 6. They were playing his track Purple Haze while giving the blurb on him, when I turned to my boyfriend and said "I didn't know Jimi Hendrix was gay". With an exhausted look and a strained sigh he looked at me and said "What" (this isn't the first time I've interrupted something he was watching with my pearls of wisdom)! "Excuse me while I kiss this guy", I explained "I didn't know he was gay".

Now I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time someone has mistaken the lyric "Excuse me while I kiss the sky" for "Excuse me while I kiss this guy" but it probably didn't take most people till they were 30 years old to figure it out. What can I say, I don't have enough Jimi Hendrix in my life, sorry Jimi fans... This one's for you!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

At this very moment...

... I am having a "Cardigans" moment on youtube. You know those moments, you look for one track and end up an hour later after going through nearly their entire back catalogue.

I just remembered it wasn't even a "Cardigans" track I was searching for, it was this, Romeo & Juliet is on Film 4 tonight at 11, good times!! Check out the big ol baby head on Mundy in this one...

Friday, January 21, 2011


I Know, I know, it's been way too long & you probably don't even bother checking if I have updated anymore. Noooooo please come back, I'll change I swear, it's not you, it's definitely me. I could give you the speech about how busy I am and never have time to update but that would be rubbish because even though I am busy I can always take 5 mins to check in & say howdy. Sorry, sorry, sorry, I am the worst. But seen as 80% of my life is made up of work, when I remember this blog I don't have anything remotely entertaining to talk about... so I might aswell talk about work!!
At the mo I am as always flat out with my work at the fabulous RedFM, lots of exciting things coming up so busy working away in the background like a doozer getting the station imaging up to scratch.

Besides that I'm currently in a production of Oscar Wilde's "Lady Windermere's Fan" at the Everyman Palace Theatre. It's running every night (except Sun 23rd) until Saturday 29th Jan. I have a small role but am loving every minute of it, all the cast are great fun to work with and the costumes, hair & sets are top class!! And so far I haven't tripped over my very long & very big skirt (which was a regular occurence in dress rehearsals)! But you should come along & check it out for yourselves, it really is a great play & God knows we could all do with an escape from the real life drama at the moment. I'll leave you with some snaps of me as Lady Agatha and the amazing Roisin Donovan as Lady Windermere. I know, me, a laaaaadddyyydy! Hell of an amount of acting required there... my Nan would be proud!!