Thursday, May 19, 2011

This looks great...

... Mary & Max Film 4 tonight at 10.45

Monday, May 9, 2011

I just emailed my boyfriend...

...that when we get married I want this lot playing! I haven't heard back from him but who cares!!!! I'm dusting off my banjo (steady) & running away with
"The Cleverlys".

While we're on the country vibe here's one of my favourite covers ever!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

This guy won't stay out of my freezer...

... for some reason he thinks he's a polar bear who sells fish!?!?!

Today I'm lovin...

...Birdy's version of Bon Iver's Skinny Love. She's only 14. What are the rest of u 14 year olds up to? Enjoying ur youth? Lame excuse!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Audition Notice


Louise Kiely

Hey Everyone,
My name is Louise Kiely. I work as Casting Director in Dublin
I am casting a Japanese short that is about Yu (a letter, being played by a woman) travelling to the person to whom it is sent. This is a magical, beautiful script. I believe it will be a lovely short.
If you know of anyone who may suit/would be interested in being seen, please do forward this on. They can contact me directly at
Because it is tricky to translate Japanese to English, the script is fairly loose at the moment. We would like the actors to improv/ad lib the lines. The Director is keen on using Irish people with characterful faces.
Shoot: 23rd May
It will shoot for a week in Cork.
Director: Mayumi Komatsu
Irish Producer: Dara McClatchie
Monies: €150 per day for a complete buyout.
We are looking to cast in Dublin and Cork. Ideally we will cast actors who live/have a base in Cork.
In the event, the actor is not based in Cork, we will travel/accommodate and per diem them.
Actors will only be needed for approx one day's shoot each.
Casting: Dublin and Cork. TBC
Female: 20's/early 30's Pretty but Angry Letter Receiver
Female: 30's Pretty
Male: 30's/40's Thin Crying Man
Male/Female: Late 70's/Early 80's. Elderly Person. May need to learn some Japanese.
Any help would be very much appreciated!
With thanks in advance,

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'm with the band...sort of!

I've just had one of those mornings where I looked for 1 music video on You Tube & ended up reliving my teens. I was always a huge music fan (not always good music granted) but after my brother Stephen saved me from my bad taste (I think the day I asked my Mam to take me to a Chesney Hawkes concert in City Hall he felt something needed to be done) and introduced me to 'The Clash' my taste improved (somewhat) & it was out with the pop & in with 'The Cure', 'The Lemonheads' and many other bands that started with 'The'. One band I got into was Irish band 'The Pale', I used to wander around incessantly listening to their album 'Here's one we made earlier' on my yellow Sony walkman (I know, cool, right?)

I also blame The Pale for my short lived shoplifting stint, well them & Eva (last name witheld cause she'd mangle me if I said it) who peer pressured me into robbing something. Of course I had to have The Hot Press magazine with 'The Pale' on the front cover, pity it was the old Hot Press which was about the length of The Irish Examiner & as thick as Vogue, I still remember folding it in three shoving it down the front of my pants & trying to walk nonchalantly out of the little corner shop- I'm not saying I should be commended for my criminal behaviour but anyone who remembers the size of that magazine will be maybe a little impressed! Anyway just to clarify I never stole anything again & threw an extra pround (of my own money) in the basket at mass that Sunday!!

Where was I? Oh yes The Pale! So my new found love of The Pale brought me to The Lark by The Lee circa 1993- for those of you not old enough to remember The Lark by the Lee (fuck you!) it was a free outdoor gig held in the Lee Fields (before they discovered it was a big bog that actually wasn't suitable to hold gigs, well that & the questionable characters that would inevitably show up to a free outdoor gig, you should of seen "Beat on the Street", scobe heaven). Anyway off us group of 13 year olds trotted making the yearly pilgrimage from Ballincollig into the straight road (it's a longer walk than you'd ever expect) to see The Pale & whoever else was playing (probably Big Bag of Sticks & The Soul Masters), when we happened upon a camper van full of Hare Krishna's giving out free stuff- (prayer cards to be precise but what the hell we were 13 & they were free). Of course we got chatting to them (again we were 13 with raging hormones & a serious thing for men with shaved heads) when somewhere the rumour started that they were 'The Pale'. Now I knew what The Pale looked like (or so I thought) & 2 of them had shaved heads so they must have been them! Happily we hung out in the camper van chatting with "The Pale" when my older brother happened to be passing with his friends, I stuck my head out of the van & shouted "Hey, we're hanging out with The Pale", my brother came over to investigate & consequently dragged me out of the van informing me of how much of an idiot I was (ahh bless). I must stress The Hare's were perfectly friendly & were probably just amused at our stupidity but I tell ya what after that day I always made sure they really were "The Band" before I got into another strange van!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dear Clare Maguire you have done the impossible with your new album & made cleaning my floors somewhat entertaining! Feel free to use this testimonial on your tv advert!

Here's a snap of me cleaning my Dolce & Gabbana floors while listening to Ms.Maguire's album, if I'd of known there was going to be photographers I'd of at least put on pants!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

GaGa Performs Born This Way...

...With YouTube Sensation Maria Aragon!

Friday, February 25, 2011

I found this article... & liked it, who doesn't need a self confidence boost at times!!

Like the perfect jeans or red lipstick, confidence is something that's desperately wanted yet difficult to find. But want to know a secret? Being confident is easier than you think. The 'fake it till you make it' approach has been proven to work - and surprisingly fast. Try these seven savvy tips to get your groove back. They're small, simple and not what you'd imagine.

Have girl crushes
We've all thought, 'I wish I could be like her.' Whether it's your stylish sister, the mate who radiates happiness, or the friend who landed her dream job, try mimicking their admirable traits. Even better: get them to take you shopping, share their positivity, or coach you for that interview. They'll be flattered and you'll learn something new (like they've been faking it themselves).

Thank your lucky stars
Be grateful for what you have: limbs that work, loved ones who are still alive, and food on the table. Cheesy? Yes. But it can work on many levels. The next time you're feeling low, remind yourself: I might not be/have the best (fill in the blank), but at least I'm not/don't have the worst (fill in the blank). Someone will always be better than you in some respect. But you'll always be better than someone else, too.

Be here now
Ever looked at old photos of when you were younger? Chances are, you can't believe how beautiful you were and wished you knew it at the time. The same goes with jobs, friends and relationships. Instead of trying to turn back the clock, live in the moment and appreciate the good in what you have now.

Compete only with yourself
Be the best self you can be. There's no point going through life with one eye on everyone else's progress or wishing you could be someone different. You'll be so busy making comparisons that you won't have the energy or motivation to identify what really matters to you. Define your own beauty and your own path. Once you can stand up and be proud of your uniqueness, so will others.

Don't try so hard
Ever notice how the coolest people are the ones who try the least? The same goes with confidence. Instead, try to be 'engaged' in life, not just dwelling on it. Do something to distract yourself. Read a book, participate in an activity or spend time with friends who allow you to stop worrying and just live.

Be selfish and indulge in what you love
It's so easy to focus on the things we don't like in life that we rarely notice the things we do like. Surround yourself with things that you truly love. Not because they're in fashion, but because they make you feel warm and happy. And every time you look in the mirror only focus on your best features – you don’t look for the flaws in your friends, so why do it to yourself?

It's okay to blame someone else
We all need to take personal responsibility, but don't fall into the trap of blaming yourself every time something goes wrong. Optimists believe life's knocks have little to do with them, and therefore succeed because they keep trying. When you're standing alone at a party, don't think: "I'm such a loser!" Instead think: "Where's my friend? I'd never invite her to one of my parties and not introduce her to anyone!" Sometimes, it's really not you; it's them.

Original Article from yahoo lifestyle here



Thursday, February 3, 2011


...I sang and danced in front of the post box & it didn't dance back...disappointing!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Not quite sure I should admit to this...

...but here goes!
While watching VH1's 100 Greatest Artists of All Time last night, it got to Jimi Hendrix at Number 6. They were playing his track Purple Haze while giving the blurb on him, when I turned to my boyfriend and said "I didn't know Jimi Hendrix was gay". With an exhausted look and a strained sigh he looked at me and said "What" (this isn't the first time I've interrupted something he was watching with my pearls of wisdom)! "Excuse me while I kiss this guy", I explained "I didn't know he was gay".

Now I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time someone has mistaken the lyric "Excuse me while I kiss the sky" for "Excuse me while I kiss this guy" but it probably didn't take most people till they were 30 years old to figure it out. What can I say, I don't have enough Jimi Hendrix in my life, sorry Jimi fans... This one's for you!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

At this very moment...

... I am having a "Cardigans" moment on youtube. You know those moments, you look for one track and end up an hour later after going through nearly their entire back catalogue.

I just remembered it wasn't even a "Cardigans" track I was searching for, it was this, Romeo & Juliet is on Film 4 tonight at 11, good times!! Check out the big ol baby head on Mundy in this one...

Friday, January 21, 2011


I Know, I know, it's been way too long & you probably don't even bother checking if I have updated anymore. Noooooo please come back, I'll change I swear, it's not you, it's definitely me. I could give you the speech about how busy I am and never have time to update but that would be rubbish because even though I am busy I can always take 5 mins to check in & say howdy. Sorry, sorry, sorry, I am the worst. But seen as 80% of my life is made up of work, when I remember this blog I don't have anything remotely entertaining to talk about... so I might aswell talk about work!!
At the mo I am as always flat out with my work at the fabulous RedFM, lots of exciting things coming up so busy working away in the background like a doozer getting the station imaging up to scratch.

Besides that I'm currently in a production of Oscar Wilde's "Lady Windermere's Fan" at the Everyman Palace Theatre. It's running every night (except Sun 23rd) until Saturday 29th Jan. I have a small role but am loving every minute of it, all the cast are great fun to work with and the costumes, hair & sets are top class!! And so far I haven't tripped over my very long & very big skirt (which was a regular occurence in dress rehearsals)! But you should come along & check it out for yourselves, it really is a great play & God knows we could all do with an escape from the real life drama at the moment. I'll leave you with some snaps of me as Lady Agatha and the amazing Roisin Donovan as Lady Windermere. I know, me, a laaaaadddyyydy! Hell of an amount of acting required there... my Nan would be proud!!