Friday, January 29, 2010

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Did the BEP's copy Phenom?

THE BLACK EYES PEAS ARE ONCE AGAIN BEING SUED FOR PLAGERISM. ARTISTS PHEONIX PHENOM IS CLAIMING THE rhythm and lyrics from her track Boom Dynamite were copied in the Black Eyed Peas' 2009 global hit BOOM BOOM POW. ALLEGEDLY PHENOM submitted HER copyrighted song Boom Dynamite to Interscope Records after Interscope had shown interest in some of HER music, and the Black Eyed Peas later copied the song when they wrote Boom Boom Pow. HAVE A LISTEN TO PHENOM’S TRACK AND SEE WHAT YOU THINK…

HMM SHADY… THIS ISN’T THE FIRST TIME THE BEPEAS HAVE BEEN accused of plagiarism - DJ Adam Freeland threatened to take legal action last year after claiming his track Mancry was the inspiration for the Black Eyed Peas' song Party All the Time. The two parties reportedly reached an undisclosed out-of-court settlement over the dispute.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Tent, The Bucket & Me...

... I read this book last year and honestly didn't stop laughing from cover to cover. I gave it to my Mum & a few friends this Christmas, I had to share the laugh and I just got feedback from them all saying the same thing, they loved it! So if you're stuck for a read pick it up. I found it in the travel section in Waterstones- but be warned this book can cause serious outburts of laughter, reading it in public could result in many strange & sympathetic looks. If you take my recomendation let me know what you thought- leave a comment here or find me on twitter @carolineredfm

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A little positive story...

... from such a tragic event!

Alive! Boy's Quake Rescue A Symbol Of Hope

11:01am UK, Thursday January 21, 2010

Andy Jack, Sky News Online
Amid the despair and suffering of the Haiti earthquake, the rescue of one little boy symbolises the importance of never giving up hope.

After almost eight days entombed in the rubble of a building which collapsed around him, a limp body in a dusty yellow top is pulled free into the night air.

Suddenly, his arms shoot out and his face breaks into the widest smile. Kiki sees his mum. He is safe.

It is a moment of pure elation.

Rescue workers in turn stretch out their arms.

There is much laughter and some tears.

Pictures of the moment Kiki was saved are being seen around the world.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Being a huuuge fan...

... of the Gaga, I think this deserves to be seen! Brilliant!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Mariah locked!

Sher why not, she was at a party!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year!!

WOWZAS... What just happened??? 2009??? It's over?? Already?? Holy sportsocks batman that year went waaayyy too fast, I know I know we say it every year but seriously that was just ridiculous, is it cause I'm nearing the end of my 20's that the universe has decided to f*** with me even more by speeding up time? Or maybe i just spent most of last year focusing on what I wasn't doing and trying to make too much happen in a short space of time instead of stopping and saying "oh hello 2009, let's be friends". So this year let's start off on the right foot, "Hello 2010, nice to meet you, I'm looking forward to spending time with you now please don't f*** with me, stay the full year". I have a feeling I was duped out of a few months last year, maybe I did a rumplestilskin on it. Although come to think of it, I'm blaming the vertigo, yes I was kilt with it for at least half of 2009 (who knew it wasn't only aul wans get it) and believe me, when the world doesn't stay still for one minute, time goes fast. This year I shall be suitably ignoring it, or maybe I'll just get really drunk every day and try to counteract the effects!!

So sheeers to you 2010 (hic!) so far................. you're grrrreeattt ("head hits keyboard in drunken stouper")!hj$£$££%£%&%$&^%$^&$%&^$%^$%^%$^%$$%$&^$%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!