Friday, November 28, 2008

My New Look!

Whaddya reckon???

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Karma Karma Karma Karma Chameleon...

...No this is not another "Ode to the 80's" from me, you've had enough of those, for the time being! This is what you might call a confession. Whilst in the big smoke yesterday for the day I did something I'm very ashamed of!
So I hopped off the train and went to get the Luas, so while standing waiting for the Luas for what seemed like the longest 1 minute in history- those "Next train due in" boards are not very accurate- a man approached me and in boken English asked me something, i couldn't understand him at all, not the poor man's fault that's just Geography, so I said "Sorry" and once again he asked me, what I got from the question was "How do I get to the Bus Station", now firstly all I heard was bus so I pointed to the buses behind me and said if you ask the bus driver over there I'm sure he can help you, I honestly didn;t know which bus he should get... in the mean time he had walked away from me but didn't go towards the buses behind, then the penny dropped, he was looking for which Luas he should get to Busaras- it takes me a while! Now instead of going up to this man who had only moved about 6 paces from me I just stood there and didn't offer anymore assistance. Instead he asked another girl who very kindly went to the ticket station with him and helped him get the ticket. And that my friends is why I am a bad person... Why didn't I just approach this man again and say "I get you now, here come this way and I'll help you" but instead I stood there like a lemon!
I am a huge believer in Karma and try to live by the rule "treat others as you would like to be treated" but yesterday I really disappointed myself. I'm not trying in any way to make myself sound like a saint, I know I have my faults and if someone is rude to me I usually wouldn't hold back- when they deserve it! But being nice and helpful to people is usually something that comes quite easily, it's how I was brought up...

Now I know there's some people who are gonna read this and have a rant about me trying to be some sort of do-gooder hippy and to you I say "FUCK RIGHT OFF", it's because of people like you that there's so much negativity in this world (God knows there's an overload of it with certain people). I'm so sick of negative people who spend their days complaining and moaning about every single little detail, for what purpose? To make yourselves sound oh- so- stressed and oh- so- important. Everyone has their problems in their own lives but not everyone feels the need to go around as if they have the weight of the world on their shoulders when they clearly do not! Let's get things in perspective here, you're never as important as you like to think you are and at the end of the day you will always need a little help, just don't piss everyone off so much that nobody will want to help but will be there to gladly watch you fall!
Ahem... ok I kind of went on a little rant there, felt good though! Back to Random Man.
Now unlike (the very hot) Earl I cannot find this random man to make it up to him and take him on whatever bus journey he wants for the next 2 months, while wearing matching aran jumpers and waving shileighlies in the air, as way of apology but Random Man I am sending you good thoughts and well wishes for your journey ahead and may you not encounter unhelpful, self-involved people, as I was yesterday and only meet friendly, helpful, cup- o- tea bearing people!
I'll leave you with this old Irish proverb Random Man...


...I don't know either, but I'm off to check for eyes in my potatoes!!

Friday, November 14, 2008


....OH YES IT DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But now they're baaaaack with a new DVD- ZIG AND ZAG THE BEST BITS FROM BACK DEN!
It's all I want for Christmas, oh and maybe a pair of Zig and Zag slippers like I used to have, and the gear bag, and the t-shirt, and the comic, and the album.... Can you tell I was a fan???
I actually have this picture signed by Zig and Zag... jealous?? :D

Monday, November 10, 2008

Misheard Lyrics...

... This weekend can you believe I only just realised in Careless Whisper, George Michael doesn't sing... "Guilty FEELINGS got no rhythm", he says "Guilty FEET have got no rhythm"... it only took me about 14 years to figure it out!!

Coldplay Video Competition!

So Coldplay have a competiton running on where they're inviting fans to make their own videos for "Lost"- great track! The most original one wins a VIP trip to see Coldplay with backstage passes etc. I haven't watched many of them but this one definitely caught my eye.... too cute!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A quick round up of the past few weeks...

... Duck* Burn After Reading (brilliant)* Dyed hair* Cleaned out car (finally)* Met Bosco* Met up with an old friend* Stopped going to the gym* Gave up eating after 9pm* Read "Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life" (highly recommend)* Made new friends, Cian, Alma, Laura H, Lara D, Jenny, Alan* Laughed so hard I spat my drink out all over my kitchen* RIP BUD* Had a good cry cause life just sucks ass sometimes* Duck finished* Went back to gym* Started eating again after 9pm* Eventually got around to cleaning out a box full of old memories* Found very funny old letters from friends* Lost 2 tops (They've gone where the socks go!)* Treated myself to new expensive dress* Felt guilty for spending so much on said dress* Got over it* Danced like a lunatic around my sitting room for the full length of two songs on VH1 (it was a challenge- I won)* Got such a fright I burst into tears* Began my research into different religions* Saw someone from the past who makes me sick* Got very angry* Remembered Karma and smiled* Got drunk* Cried again* Had a lie in* Watched "Into the Wild"* Got very effected by it* dreamt about it* Had a different dream that made me happy and sad* Still trying to figure it out* New found liking for the Killers* Bought Elbows latest album (love it)* Bought Roisin Murphys latest album (again love it)* Still hate the pussycat dolls music* Had an argument* Apologised* Faced a fear* Met up with dear friends* Pondered on what it must be like to be French (nice)* Thought about Christmas presents* Finished my swimming lessons (horraaaayyy)* Got a cold* Still have a permenant toothache* Discovered how to make a mean vegetable lasagne* Obama became president (woop woop)* Felt huge relief that Dubya is gone* Wondered where the hell most of the year went*