Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A lil rant!

I'm not one for coming on here complaining usually but I really have something I gotta get off my chest... and seen as Vic's away for 2 weeks I have to vent here!! I love going to the flicks, I try to go at least once every 2 weeks, like everyone else I buy my ticket, I get in early to get a good seat so I can enjoy the movie to it's fullest capacity... but why is it I always end up sitting in front of some ignorant f****r who thinks its ok to put their goddam feet on the back of my chair and keep kicking it for the entire movie, f*** right off. I don't put my feet on the back of peoples seats why the hell should they??? I pay the exact same money, I'm entitled to the exact same comfort for the entirity of the movie. I have on many occasion turned and asked people to take their feet down and to stop kicking my chair, and the looks I get, as if I'm the person the wrong... what the hell people, were ye dragged up??? Were you never taught it's rude to put your feet on the furniture??? I swear I'm finding it hard to keep the cool and ask people nicely to take their feet down, it's just common courtesy really. So if u are an offender, next time your at the cinema spare a thought for the person in front of you, would u like someone kicking your chair the whole way through a movie??? Thought not! If ya wanna put ur feet up, wait for the DVD and watch it at home, failing that, learn some manners... because this really makes me angry and believe me, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry...grrrrrrrr!!

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