Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Love is...

Well... my world has just about stopped spinning (hopefully it stays that way)... So off I went to see the Sex and The City Movie last night, with a girlfriend of course.
I am a huge Sex and the City fan, I have the Shoe Box set of every single episode. I regularly watch it on Paramount (for the 185th time) I know every episode and most of the outfits Carrie was wearing in those episodes, so I was hella excited about the movie, I checked on updates every day on the web, looked at every piece of bad camera phone footage from the set of the movie and tried every day last week to book tickets, I eventually got a couple for last night, so straight after work, off I trotted to The Gate Cinema. Firstly I was shocked at how many people actually got dressed up for this movie, i had come straight from work so felt very under-dressed, but seen as I'm a girl who doesn't feel there needs to be a special occasion to get dressed up, I say more power to you all! Although I've yet to see a Carrie Wannabe getting it right- she has a stylist girls and most of the clothes are designer, I'm all for individual style, I hate wearing what everyone else is wearing just to be on trend, but individual style is just that- individual- not trying to copy someone else's style. It's usually easy to spot the wannabe's anyway cause they look so uncomfortable that you just know they don't usually dress like that!!
Anyway back to the movie... So I got my popcorn and spicy nuts (behave!) mixed them all together and we took our seats (at the very back so nobody could kick our chairs-grrrrrrr!). Then the moment arrived, on came the plinky plonky music (musician speak) and Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte were back... and Mr.Big of course! I had been warned I would cry and I cry at Home and Away for goodness sake, so i was prepared for Niagra Falls, but the tears never came, I had a lump in my throat and my eyes welled up a couple of times but there was no tear flow and certainly no uncontrollable sniffing and sobbing. This was my first disappointment, my second disappointment- The Movie! And I feel like a traitor too all womankind saying this, but I think they should of just left well alone. It all seemed so rushed and being someone who adored the series and how it was written, this just felt all a bit too amateur. I get that there needs to be changes for the big screen but I just didn't think it did such an iconic series any justice. Now don't get me wrong, I will buy the DVD when it comes out and no doubt watch it 547 times but most of that will be for the outfits. Patricia Field- I want to marry you- Carrie's clothes are unreal throughout the whole movie and being a fashion lover, yes I could watch a 2 hr movie just for the clothes- Marie Antoinette wasn't exactly a masterpiece but I've watched it over 7 times now because of the costumes.

Maybe it was my own fault and I had built it up too much in my head, but there was that s'ning s'ning missing for me... but not to worry, I still have my shoe box set of every episode ever made!!
aaaahhhh.... Love Is....!!

One final thought- on the subject of men, where I am all for men supporting their women and being there when they need them, who would drag their boyfriend along to see this movie?? 2 guys at the show last night with their GF's and they just seemed uncomfortable the whole way through... girls unless they are gay and can appreciate Carrie Bradshaw's shoe obsession, leave 'em at home!!


1 comment:

my name is nobody ( T ) said...

totally agree wiv ya caz...
men should never have to watch that movie...apart from the stoopid clothes an frickin shoes...
that parker one looks like a horse... and well, i like horses... but she does an injustice to horses!!!
gimme indiana jones any day of the week..altho, that was disaponting too!!!!