Tuesday, March 11, 2008


...I'm a disgrace to bloggers everywhere, it's been toooo long since my last post!
so I better try to make this one good... "Oh God the pressure of a name... cinder F****n ella", Pretty Woman fans will get it!!
Ok so what have I been up to since we last spoke, well I finally got paid which I thought was never gonna happen, Jan and Feb were both 5 week months, those of you paid monthly will know the pain of this and already in the second week of March I am broke again, I am at a loss as to how this keeps happening, I have done the whole writing down everything I spend for a full month and to be honest the only purpose it served was good maths practice, instead of taking 10 seconds to calculate I had nothing left it now only takes 5 seconds! Seriously though I have to admit waking up in a cold sweat Sat morn, after thinking I was paid in 2 weeks time it hit me like a wet fish that it was in fact 3 weeks time (ok so the maths wasn't going that well)! Frick Frick Frickety Frick, i need some money management course or something cause this is getting ridiculous. I don't even go out every weekend anymore!

So that brings me to my money saving weekend last weekend, I watched lots of movies. Saturday- went to see "Be Kind Rewind", hilarious, I loved it, I had heard mixed reviews about it but I have to say I really liked it, i roared laughing a few times which is always a good thing. I think because it was Jack Black people are expecting a typical Jack Black movie where he plays the loser who becomes the hero, oh hang on a sec, ok so this is what happens but it's the story that is so different and so bizarre that I loved. I am a huge fan of Michel Gondry and think "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" was genius, Be Kind Rewind is a lot more of a simple story compared to Eternal Sunshine but even the little details in Be Kind have so much thought put into them, It's not Gondry's best work but it still holds it's own I thought. I absolutely love his ideas and his bizarre way of thinking, when I was reading up on Michel Gondry I couldn't believe all the music videos he had also directed and the one thing I noticed is that I remembered so many of the videos and could remember little details about them which is rare for music videos, The Chemical Brothers- Let Forever Be, Sinead o Connor- Fire on Babylon, Foo Fighters- Everlong, and a video I always loved and remember being amazed at when i first saw it Bjork- Human Behaviour. Don't just take my word for it though have a look for yourself...... unreal!

So back to the movies I watched on Sun I did something I haven't done on a Sunday afternoon for a long time... steady... I watched an old classic movie Cecil.B.Demille's "The Greatest Show On Earth". What can I say, it's a true classic. Betty Hutton's character does my head in though, what was it about the women in so many of the old movies who couldn't decide which man she wanted and spent the whole movie going from one man to the other and every time they took her back, what the hell men? Grow a pair, tell her sod off and that she missed the boat! I love the acting in the old movies too, you'd never get away with it these days, so camp, so o.t.t, so funny, I especially love the dramatic "turn away from your lover and clutch at the wall" move, yet somehow it works for those movies, maybe that's why we like them so much cause it's such a different style, almost theatrical and because we can't relate in any way to the characters because they're so unbelievable, it's even more of an escape for us!
My final movie of my marathon weekend was "Black Snake Moan" with Christina Ricci and Samuel L Jackson and I hate to be boring but I have to say I also loved this movie (it's rare I see 3 movies in a row that I like). 2 actors I really admire anyway, Samuel L, doesn't always make the right movie choices ("Deep Blue Sea", 99, shocking), but what actor does and with movies like "Jackie Brown", "True Romance" and of course "Pulp Fiction" to name only a few, he is forgiven the odd turkey! I love that Christina Ricci doesn't seem to be afraid of a challenge and plays seriously F****d up people so well lol. So all in all I had a surprisingly great weekend of watching movies... Next week I'm watching "How to make money and save it"!!

Murph xx

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