Monday, January 21, 2008

Will Watch!

What about Will Ferrell being around Cork? Legend! I'd love to have bumped into him, he is undoubtedly one of the funniest actors out there at the mo. Elf and Anchorman can easily go down in history as a couple of the funniest movies ever! Then again they do say, never meet your heroes, so maybe it was just aswell I didn't happen across him!


MSM Winner Jan 19

Well done Orla Jestin of Dublin Hill... winner of Mug shot Muddle... Ans-Amy Winehouse!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Mug Shot Muddle Jan 19th

This jailbird's wife has recently had the chop and gone peroxide blonde, a colour we never thought we'd see her go go go...!!
Well done Niall Walsh from Shanagarry, Midleton, winner of Mug Shot Muddle last Sat. It was of course Del-boy "This time next year we'll be millionaires" Trotter from Only Fools and Horses. Mug on it's way to ya Niall


Friday, January 11, 2008

Mug Shot Muddle Jan 12th

Apologies for forgetting it last week... here ya go!
Name this Triffic wheeler and dealer, even if his brother is a bit of a plonker!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Quitting the cigs?

And for any smokers out there who are trying to quit, here's a smokers lounge which would definitely help get ya motivated...


New Year Resolutions!

So it's a brand new year... a fresh start, where many of us like to make lots of promises to ourselves to do things like, lose those excess pounds, stop spending so much cash, take that dance class we promised ourselves we would always do etc etc, ya get the gist! And I am no different... usually. But this year I have decided to try something new. I am not making any resolutions, instead I am gonna go for what i want. No more giving myself till the end of the year to get things done. I am doing it now. I'm 27 years old, time's a-pushin on, I don't have time to daydream anymore I gotta make those dreams a reality and soon. I do have a new motto for the New Year though and it goes a lil something like this;

"Life is NOT a dress rehearsal. This IS the main event."

Ok So it's robbed from somewhere, not sure where, but it is true, and I have for quite some time now sat back and thought "oh if only I did this or could do that things would be better", yet did nothing about changing things. But no more procrastinating (my fave word ever). Time to get out there and live life to the full and go for what I want....!! Now all I have to do is decide exactly what it is I want ..hmmm!
Happy New Year


So it seems I am still in holiday mode and not firing on all cylinders. I completely forgot to do Mug Shot Muddle last Sat morning... doh. But it will return this Sat. I even went to the trouble of putting up the Mug Shot on my blog then forgot all about it! I may not be a natural blonde but I have my moments. It will be saved until next week... My Bad!