Friday, November 30, 2007

Brown Thomas Window

If you happen to come across a small blonde gazing lovingly into the window of Brown Thomas at the moment, with a stupid grin on her face and a glazed look in her eye, do not be alarmed- just keep walking slowly past me making no sudden movements and i will eventually snap out of it. No I am not wishing I could own the latest designer bag which was made for €7 but is selling for €700, I am in fact mesmerised by the window display. I am obsessed with it. Of course the window of BT's is as far as I ever get because i can never afford anything in there. It is amazing though, if you haven't seen it, it is basically a circus theme, but it's not tacky Circus theme, it's full of amazing clothes and vintage looking artifacts from old style circus days, the kind that featured the bearded lady or the 2 headed baby (obviously not very pc but that's the way it was). Personally i am a big fan of directors John Waters & Tim Burton and this scene would not be out of place in either one's movies. Just the way the whole display is put together is so beautiful and I have to say it Artistic and I don't want to come across as one of those "yaw yaw yaw's, great ort" because I am definitely not. I don't own any art and am not big on Artist's names or history but i know what i like. And any window display that can draw me in as much as that one definitely has my vote. And for those of you who bitch and moan about how it is not very christmassy... Go To Debenhams, they have a nice tacky xmas tree in the window! BT's window is bright, glittery, fun and beautiful... what more do you want!! I think I would like to live in there for a day...Fun!! xxxMurphxxx

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