Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The bastard child of Robert Smith & Russell Brand

Sean Penn filming in Dublin, looking... well let's be honest, like shit!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I'm a disgrace...

...a holy disgrace. Again I have neglected this blog. I really have no excuse for it. I'm the same on twitter, I'll go through phases of constantly tweeting then suddenly not feel like sharing anything, yeah I'm kinda weird sometimes, but then who isn't? Any-who I'm back in a sharing mood. So for whoever's willing to listen, thanks of course, and here goes...

I suppose what a lot of people don't know about me is in my spare time away from radio, I'm an actress. I used to do quite a bit as a kid right up until I was about 16. Then I discovered drink and boys and it all went to pot. But just over 2 years ago I rediscovered my love for all things dramatic (my Mother would tell you I never lost that) and did a lot of training over the past 2 years in Cork, Dublin and London, while trying to get as much experience as possible. I can't say I've been steadily acting as everyone knows it's not that easy and it's the privileged few who can make a full time career from it. But I have been enjoying every bit of it, well maybe not every bit of it, the moments where you don't get a part or get a part then get it taken from you at the last minute as directors decide to "go a different direction" can be disheartening and just before every audition my boyfriend without fail gets a call from me asking him to remind me "why do I want to put myself through this again". It is of course because I love acting and while the most nerve wracking experience, it's also the most thrilling. So while most of my friends are getting married and having babies, I've gone backwards and decided to embark on a new journey of my own. A scary, non-reliable, time consuming, insecure journey... and I LOVE IT!!!!

So watch this space for more ramblings on my journey into the great unknown