Saturday, August 22, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

I may have to stop...

... watching The Wire every night before bed. I've gotten completely addicted and am on series 3. But over the weekend I dreamt one night that "Stringer Bell" was out to kill me and the next night I dreamt "Avon Barksdale" was out to get me. If it gets to the stage where I'm dreaming of making mad passionate love to "Bubs" I'm seeking therapy!!


... got to see "Milk" at the weekend. The Gus Van Sant movie based on Harvey Milk's life. UNREAL!!! Loved every bit of it. And Sean Penn deserved every bit of that Oscar for sure. Someone else I really liked in it who I had a strange aversion to before this movie was Emile Hirsch, I thought he was great in it. Funny how Harvey Milk said to his boyfriend Scott Smith on the night he met him, "Forty years old and I haven't done a thing that I'm proud of." Less than 10 years later he had become the first openly gay man in the US to be elected to political office and won many many battles for gay rights! Just another example of how nothing is impossible in life no matter what age you are!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Kinks

I heard this song playing in Spar on McCurtain Street last night- random!! I'm a huge fan of The Kinks my Dad introduced me to them when I was teeny, many's a time we spent on a road trip singing along to them and The Beach Boys at the top of our voices. This is one of their later ones from the early 80's but still just as catchy as their earlier gems!

Monday, August 10, 2009


Unfortnately we had to say goodbye to our family dog Emie last week so it's with a very heavy heart I write this but I think a very special dog deserves to be read about.

Emie, or Emer as you were christened, you came into our lives when I was 17. We had been visiting Mam's friends in Kenmare and they had Newfoundlands, of course we couldn't help but fall in love with them, they're just like giant living teddy bears. So I wasn't surprised when a few days later Mam announced we were getting one. Off we trotted to Kenmare to a place where they breeded them to pick out the new addition to the family. We walked into a courtyard and after having a fear of dogs for most of my childhood I have to admit I felt quite nervous by all these unnaturaly large "puppies" wandering around. None of them were taking much notice of us except for one who wandered over to Mam's side and didn't leave for 13 years. We were told her name is Emer and she's 1 year and 9 months old. That was it, we were in love. We changed your name to Emie and off we all went to start our life together. When we drove back that day I had to sit in the back of the car with you. You instantly took to Mam but you were more wary of me, probably because I was wary of you & you sensed my nervousness. You sat upright in the back of the car staring at me the whole way home. I didn't take my eyes off you either for fear of being slobbered to death- Newfoundlands drool like you've never seen any dog or old Man drool, a habit which would see Mam running after you with kitchen roll on regular occasions to clean your face, especially when we had squeamish visitors! I remember you wandering around our old family home that first day, you were quiet and nervous sussing out your new digs, sniffing corners, finding the best sitting spots and funnily enough the one spot you seemed to like was right in front of me, you stared at me as I watched tv sitting on the couch, I called my brother nervously "She lookes like she could eat me, do you think she's safe", my brother told me not very politely to cop on, that she was harmless. And that you were. Friends called to see you and you were so nervous of all the fussing and attention, all you wanted to do was hang at Mam's side, no matter where she went, you followed, tripping her up many's a time in the process when you got over excited at seeing her walk in the door, countless vases and pictures were knocked because of your tail and ass that shook like it had a life of it's own when you'd sense Mam was near. Of course you soon got used to your surroundings and the neighbours. You made friends with the next door neighbours dog Buzz, the alsation. He was the perfect size for you or so we thought until you sat on him one day out in the garden when ye were playing and dislocated his hip. You were officially banned from playing with Buzz, but you never knew your own strength or your own size. When you'd see a small dog you'd get so exicted and run up to them ready to play but more often than not they ran away and cowered in a corner as we explained to people "she's only a puppy too, she just wants to play". Of course you loved nothing better than rolling over on your back and getting a good old scratch and rub on the belly, we gladly obliged until you'd ruin it by letting one rip almost in our faces cause it relaxed you so much- and boy could you pack a punch, rooms were evacuated on many occasions because of those rippers! At one stage Mam thought you needed company so Rebel came into the family, a little puppy whose breed I'm not sure anyone was sure of. He was a little too hyper for you though and crunch time came when Mam looked out the back and saw you walking slowly around looking very fed up with Rebel hitching a ride by swinging from your tail. You poor thing, you couldn't get a minutes peace but you were always patient and never once snapped at him. Rebel had to go, so we made sure he got a good home. Over the years everyone went their seperate ways and the family home was sold, but you and Mam stuck together like 2 peas in a pod, like Cagney & Lacey, like Abbott and Costello, like Turner & Hooch, where one was, the other was never far away. Your favourite place to run around was the quarry by Nan's house, there was so much space to explore, you were in your element. Now and again you'd get a little sick like all dogs do, one time that sticks out in my mind is the time you got the trots. Mam was cleaning up after you while I was behind gagging at the smell, because of all your fur you had gotten destroyed, So I was holding your tail in the air, empty reaching- while Mam had a hose and was washing you down, haha I could almost swear you were smirking at me. Newfoundlands are water rescue dogs by nature so you loved nothing better than a good ol bathe, be it in the Lee Fields, on a beach or in Mam's friends fish pond. Mam was visiting her friend who has a giant garden pond with a load of prize fish in it. Mam knew nothing until you arrived in to meet them in the kitchen dripping wet as Mam's friend screamed "MY FISH" and ran out to see if any had survived, of course they all had, you had no interest in them, just the water! Every summer your beautiful coat would be shaved cause you were so uncomfortable in the heat, you loved nothing better than to be told how beautiful you looked after your monthly grooming sessions and as we admired you the head would go up in the air, loving the attention.
Mam would chat to you so much I would always say "one of these days I swear she'll talk back", you actually did once but that was only in a dream I had!
People would be constantly admiring you if we had you out walking and kids were always amazed at your size. You were so patient and gentle, you'd let them pet you for a bit then give Mam a look as if to say "I've had enough, can we go now". Everyone would ask your age and as the years went by people were more and more surprised as the older you got. Newfoundlands are know for having lots of health problems and weak hearts and many die young of heart attacks. Mam would take you to be regularly checked and the vets would say whatever you're doing for her keep doing it, she's in great shape, you weren't even overweight and boy could you eat. Nothing could be left near you, it would be scoffed, as we found out the day Mam came home and said where's the cooked roast I left on the counter for the dinner... 1 guess! Then you started slowing down, the walks became shorter, your bark became deeper and weaker and you're breathing became more strained. You were always such an amazing dog I suppose we all thought you'd live forever, then the news came that it was time. Mam always said she would die before she'd let you be in pain and it was becoming obvious you were. We all went with you and as always you were calm and happy, loving the attention from us all as we fussed and petted you, all the while trying to keep it together so as not to panic you. Of course it didn't stay like that for long and needless to say we were all in bits and still are! You were as much a part of the family as any of us Emie and always will be. Thanks for being such a great friend for nearly 13 years! For minding Mam when times were tough! For not holding it against me if I lost my patience with you! For all the reassuring licks, slobbers and cuddles! And for such happy memories. Someone once said "Don't cry for what you lost, smile for what you had" and we were truly blessed to have had you in our lives. Rest in Peace Emie Bear xxx

Nice story for John Hughes fans...

One of my fave's... still watch it over & over!